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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Error codes for LG Tumble Dryer

  • Product Types: Tumble Dryer

Please do take care to read the information thoroughly as it is there to help you understand fault codes and to keep you safe. There are also some help, tips and hints with a lot of the fault codes published here that you usually will not find anywhere else and, as we learn, we add more information so if you can't find what you need please ask in the forums.

Before using this section please understand that fault or error codes are used as a diagnostic aid, they are not a replacement for diagnostic skill on the part of the person repairing the product and are not in any way usually going to point to the precise component that is faulty. All they do is give you an idea of where to start looking for the fault.

LG dryers have incorporated error codes that can display along with the Flowsense™ indicator. When one of these errors display, this indicates that the dryer's exhaust system is not moving enough air from the dryer to the outside of the home.


d80 error codes indicate that the dryer's exhaust duct is clogged 80%, 90%, or 95% respectively. This is most often the result of lint buildup somewhere in the exhaust duct.
If a d80 error code appears on the dryer's display, the dryer will shut off automatically after 2 minutes. A warning sound will be heard from the dryer periodically. The quickest and easiest way to troubleshoot these codes is to disconnect the dryer vent and run a load of wet clothes. If the load dries as it should, then the problem resides in your home exhaust system. If the load is still wet, then the dryer may require service.
  • 1 - Test without exhaust duct. To get started, you will need a sheer, nylon stocking (to collect lint), medium sized rubberband, and a load of wet laundry. Unplug the dryer from the wall outlet. Remove the vent duct from the back of the dryer. Plug the unit back in, clean the lint filter, and load the wet laundry into the dryer. Select the TIMED DRY cycle for 30 Minutes and press START. If the load is Dry - The vent must be checked for restrictions by a local vent or chimney cleaning company. If the load is Wet - Your dryer will require service. For your convenience, you can request a repair online using our Book a Repair page
  • 2 - Lint Buildup. Check for lint buildup at the rear exhaust duct, the lint build up will cause a long time drying in the dryer. If you need the service of a professional technician, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.
  • 3 - Damaged Exhaust. A crushed or damaged exhaust will also cause air blockage. If possible, check every section of your exhaust duct to ensure it is not crushed, kinked or damaged.
  • 4 - Crushed duct. Avoid long runs or runs with multiple elbows or bends. Excess or crushed transition duct. Too many elbows or exhaust too long can also cause long time drying.
  • 5 - Ductwork is too long. When the ductwork is too long or has too many bends, blockages can occur, and it will be hard to trace. In this case, check the exterior part of the house when the machine is running to see if exhaust air is blowing outside. For proper inspection and repair of this situation, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.


d90 error codes indicate that the dryer's exhaust duct is clogged 80%, 90%, or 95% respectively. This is most often the result of lint buildup somewhere in the exhaust duct.
If a d90 error code appears on the dryer's display, the dryer will shut off automatically after 2 minutes. A warning sound will be heard from the dryer periodically.
  • 1 - Test without exhaust duct. To get started, you will need a sheer, nylon stocking (to collect lint), medium sized rubberband, and a load of wet laundry. Unplug the dryer from the wall outlet. Remove the vent duct from the back of the dryer. Plug the unit back in, clean the lint filter, and load the wet laundry into the dryer. Select the TIMED DRY cycle for 30 Minutes and press START. If the load is Dry - The vent must be checked for restrictions by a local vent or chimney cleaning company. If the load is Wet - Your dryer will require service. For your convenience, you can request a repair online using our Book a Repair page
  • 2 - Lint Buildup. Check for lint buildup at the rear exhaust duct, the lint build up will cause a long time drying in the dryer. If you need the service of a professional technician, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.
  • 3 - Damaged Exhaust. A crushed or damaged exhaust will also cause air blockage. If possible, check every section of your exhaust duct to ensure it is not crushed, kinked or damaged.
  • 4 - Crushed duct. Avoid long runs or runs with multiple elbows or bends. Excess or crushed transition duct. Too many elbows or exhaust too long can also cause long time drying.
  • 5 - Ductwork is too long. When the ductwork is too long or has too many bends, blockages can occur, and it will be hard to trace. In this case, check the exterior part of the house when the machine is running to see if exhaust air is blowing outside. For proper inspection and repair of this situation, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.


d95 error codes indicate that the dryer's exhaust duct is clogged 80%, 90%, or 95% respectively. This is most often the result of lint buildup somewhere in the exhaust duct.
If a d95 error code appears on the dryer's display, the dryer will shut off automatically after 2 minutes. A warning sound will be heard from the dryer periodically.
  • 1 - Test without exhaust duct. To get started, you will need a sheer, nylon stocking (to collect lint), medium sized rubberband, and a load of wet laundry. Unplug the dryer from the wall outlet. Remove the vent duct from the back of the dryer. Plug the unit back in, clean the lint filter, and load the wet laundry into the dryer. Select the TIMED DRY cycle for 30 Minutes and press START. If the load is Dry - The vent must be checked for restrictions by a local vent or chimney cleaning company. If the load is Wet - Your dryer will require service. For your convenience, you can request a repair online using our Book a Repair page
  • 2 - Lint Buildup. Check for lint buildup at the rear exhaust duct, the lint build up will cause a long time drying in the dryer. If you need the service of a professional technician, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.
  • 3 - Damaged Exhaust. A crushed or damaged exhaust will also cause air blockage. If possible, check every section of your exhaust duct to ensure it is not crushed, kinked or damaged.
  • 4 - Crushed duct. Avoid long runs or runs with multiple elbows or bends. Excess or crushed transition duct. Too many elbows or exhaust too long can also cause long time drying.
  • 5 - Ductwork is too long. When the ductwork is too long or has too many bends, blockages can occur, and it will be hard to trace. In this case, check the exterior part of the house when the machine is running to see if exhaust air is blowing outside. For proper inspection and repair of this situation, contact a local chimney cleaning company to clean the vent.


Door Error

A DE error code means that the dryer door is not completely closed. This might be a result of:
  • Door not completely closed.
    Open the door and make sure the filter is pushed all the way in and that there are no articles of clothing stuck on the door
  • Door Misaligned.
    If the unit is brand new, is there any noticeable damage or the frame of the unit (such as the door bent)? If so, please contact the dealer.

If the problem is not a dent or damage, please try the following:

    1. Reset the unit by unplugging it from power, or trip the circuit breaker.
    2. Wait 5 sec.
    3. Plug unit back in.
    4. Close door firmly.
    5. Select any cycle and press Start.
    6. If the unit gives the code again, the unit will need service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


The drain hose is kinked


An E13 error code on the dryer's display indicates that the drain hose is kinked, crushed, clogged, or that the water in the sump is frozen.

Note: The E13 error code will only display on Hybrid Condensing Dryers.


If the E13 error code is showing on the dryer's display:

  1. Check that the drain hose is not kinked, twisted, or clogged with water at the end of the hose.
  2. If the drain hose was extended, the dryer will not drain well because of the increased resistance. It is recommended to only use the standard LG drain hose.
  3. Press the START/PAUSE button to start the dryer again after checking that the drain hose is not kinked, twisted, or clogged.

If the E13 error code occurs again, the unit will require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


FO (Filter Out) Display


An FO error or a flashing INSERT FILTER on the dryer's display indicates that the lint filter should be checked to ensure that it is inserted properly.


When the lint filter is not inserted properly, the sensor inside the dryer will display FO, and the dryer will stop working. Remove the lint filter and reinsert it into the lint filter housing.

If the error continues to appear on the display screen, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.




HS error code on the dryer's display indicates that the dryer has detected an error with the HUMIDITY SENSOR.

The HS error code will cause the dryer to run for 21/2 hours, which may seem as though the dryer is not drying.


If the HS error is displayed, clean the sensors on the inside of the dryer, located below the lint filter. Allow the sensors to fully dry before attempting another cycle.

If the HS error code persists, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


nP Error Code


A nP error code on the dryer's display indicates that there is a problem with the electrical wiring in the home, and that no current is being detected at the heater.


If the nP error is displaying, the home's outlet may need to be checked by a licensed electrician in order to ensure that the correct voltage is supplied to the dryer.

We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


PF Error Code


This usually happens after a power outage.


This usually happens after a power outage. To fix it, we're going to do a factory reset.

  1. Unplug the dryer or trip the circuit breaker supplying power to the dryer off.

  2. While the dryer is without power, press and hold the Start/Pause button for 5 sec.

  3. Restore power and try to run a cycle.

If the PF error code persists, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


PS Error Code


A PS error code on the dryer's display indicates that there is improper voltage with the power cord, which could be caused by the white and red wire connections being reversed on the dryer's terminal block. If the unit was just installed, you should call the installer to have them check the power cord installation and the wall outlet.


Refer to the owner's manual for the applicable model for installation instructions for the dryer's power cord.


Faulty dryer's thermistor


A tE1 error code on the display of the dryer indicates a problem was detected with the dryer's thermistor.


If the tE1 error code is showing on the dryer's display:

  1. Unplug the dryer, or trip the circuit breaker supplying power to the dryer.

  2. While the dryer remains without power, press and hold the START/PAUSE button for 5 seconds.

  3. Restore power to the dryer and attempt to run another cycle.

If the tE1 error code occurs again after resetting the dryer, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Problem was detected with the dryer's thermistor


A tE2 error code on the display of the dryer indicates a problem was detected with the dryer's thermistor, normally during cold conditions. The extra humidity in the dryer's vent during the SteamFresh™, Steam Sanitary™, or Steam Option cycles cause the duct to cool down faster, resulting in the dryer displaying the tE2 error.


If the tE2 error code is showing on the dryer's display during the SteamFresh™, SteamSanitary™, or the Steam option:

  1. Power the dryer ON.

  2. Select the SteamFresh™ cycle.

  3. Press the MORE TIME button until big is shown in the display.

  4. Press the START button.

If the tE2 error code occurs again after resetting the dryer, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Problem was detected with the dryer's thermistor


A tE3 error code on the display of the dryer indicates a problem was detected with the dryer's thermistor.

If the tE3 error code is showing on the dryer's display:
  1. Unplug the dryer, or trip the circuit breaker supplying power to the dryer.

  2. While the dryer remains without power, press and hold the START/PAUSE button for 5 seconds.

  3. Restore power to the dryer and try to run another cycle.

If the tE3 error code occurs again after resetting the dryer, the unit may require a repair service.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Add (Add Water)


An Add Water error reading on the dryer's display indicates that there is a water supply error.


Before using a steam cycle, the steam feeder must be filled with water up to the MAX indicator lines. Check the steam feeder to be sure that it is full of water and that the drawer is completely closed.

If the Add Water reading appears on the dryer's display after a cycle has started:

  1. Press PAUSE to temporarily stop the running cycle.

  2. Fill the steam feeder with tap water to the MAX fill line.

  3. Power the unit off and back on again, select the STEAM cycle, and press the START/PAUSE button to finish the cycle.

Check Filter

Check Filter


Check filter is not an error, it was designed to serve as a reminder to clean the lint filter before each use to ensure great drying every time.


The indicator turns off when you turn the cycle knob to select a drying program or when the START/PAUSE button is pressed.


CL (Child Lock)


A CL code or CHILD LOCK reading on the dryer's display is not actually an error code, but rather an indication that the Child Lock feature is active.


For most models, press and hold the key labeled CHILD LOCK for 3 seconds to disable the Child Lock feature.

Cooling / Drying Light


This is normal. The machine runs a dry portion and cooling portion of the cycle. The cooling portion of the cycle does not begin until the last 5 minutes of the cycle.


Flow Sense Indicator


FlowSense™ is a feature on some LG model dryers which uses existing components in dryers to calculate the amount of restriction in the drying system.


Wrinkle Care


This display is not an error code and does not indicate that there is a problem with the dryer. When activated, wrinkle care functions at the end of the drying cycle and will continue to tumble the dryer drum to prevent wrinkles.

The drum will rotate for 10 seconds and then off for 6 minutes. It will run for up to 3 hours. If the door is opened during this time, the Wrinkle Care option will turn off.


Reset the Control Panel


If you need to reset the Control Panel

  1. Power the dryer OFF and unplug it from the electrical outlet (You can also trip the circuit breaker if that's easier).

  2. Press and hold the START/PAUSE key for 5 seconds while the unit is without power.

  3. Turn the breaker back on, and power on the unit.


Irregular current or element short circuit


This error indicates an irregular mains supply current has been supplied. It can be cleared by running the dryer for a complete cycle once more.

On later models the same code can be used to indicate a short circuit on the heating element.

We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.

6E or bE

Tumble dryer drive belt detected as broken


This fault code can mean that the drive belt is faulty but also that there is a problem with the microswitch at the motor housing.

  • Check drive belt
  • Check microswitch at motor housing
  • Check wiring harness
  • Check control PCB
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Low temperature thermistor open circuit

  • Check low temperature thermistor (Red 4 pin block to blue on harness terminals 2 and 4)
  • Check connectors
  • Check wiring
  • Check electronic control PCB
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Low temperature thermistor short

  • Check Low temperature thermistor
  • Check connectors
  • Check Wiring
  • Check PCB
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


High temperature thermistor open circuit

  • Check high heat thermistor (White 8 pin block to PCB on pins 3 and 4)
  • Check thermistor connection block on rear cover
  • Check thermistor
  • Check wiring
  • Check PCB
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


High temperature thermistor short circuit

  • Check main PCB connector as previous
  • Check for short to blue harness
  • Check resistance of thermistor
  • Check PCB
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Door open error it

  • The Start/Pause button has pressed with the door open
  • Check door lock
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Thermistor failure

The electronic control detects that the thermistor (temperature sensor) has failed. Unplug the dryer and measure the resistance through the thermistor. It should measure about 10,000 ohms at room temperature. If the thermistor is defective, replace it.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Thermistor failure

The electronic control detects that the thermistor (temperature sensor) has failed. Unplug the dryer and measure the resistance through the thermistor. It should measure about 10,000 ohms at room temperature. If the thermistor is defective, replace it.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.


Door switch error

Check the operation of the door switch using the diagnostic test mode, which is explained in the tech sheet that's typically stored in the console of the dryer. If the door switch is defective, replace it.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price LG Tumble Dryer Repairs in London.

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