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  Thursday, 02 May 2019
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my hoover next washing machine has started beeping during a wash. still washes still spins and finishes load
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5 years ago
We have hoover dynamic next 8kg 1500 spin started beeping during wash also no fault codes washes fine, any ideas please
4 years ago
Hi I have a washing machine hoover dynamic next and when on a wash it beeps and if we turn it off the washer still beeps and flashes
4 years ago
Yes my machine has started to do this too (after 5 years of washing). Don't know why. But it still does the washing and drying so relatively happy except the beeping is annoying and I keep thinking there must be something wrong with it. Don't know who to contact about this.
4 years ago
I had this issue last year with my Hoover washing machine. I contacted my local repair man and he was a bit bemused by it. He took off the lid and undid then replaced a few connections, screwed the lid back on and said "see how you get on!" Lo and behold, the noise stopped. It has however restarted in the past couple of weeks hence why I was googling the issue. I have come to the conclusion that the connections are moved by the vibrations of the machine. At the moment it is temporarily stopped by thumping the machine but I know I will need to do something soon... It is so annoying!!
4 years ago
I had this problem for over a week. Just put it through an auto clean cycle and it’s stopped! Done a normal wash and it’s still fine
Hope that helps
4 years ago
Mine has started beeping away, even when the main switch is in the OFF position. Maybe it's asking for a clean?
4 years ago
Mines doing this. Mainly its annoying!
4 years ago
Seems like it’s definitely a common thing with Hoover washers. From around a year old our washer started randomly beeping and 4 years on it still does it. It’s a family joke that ‘she’s’ chatting to us and we say things like, “Alright! Alright! I’m coming!” whenever it starts trying to get our attention. It can be turned off everywhere, socket included and the haunted sodding thing still beeps.

It also won’t start washes sometimes as if the start/pause button doesn’t work. A thump sometimes works but undoing the lid and pushing all the connections and buttons back securely also keeps it working right for a few months. Because it’s such an intermittent problem it’s cost a fortune in engineers over the years. It’s almost a guarantee that the non-working button will suddenly start first time at the sight of a washing machine repairer!

Next washer will NOT be a Hoover.
4 years ago
My haunted Hoover washing machine doing exactly the same thing. Beeps constantly even when switched off.. trying to set a specific wash cycle is a challenge when i set the dial. It beeps, flashes and darts between options so you've got to time it exactly right when you press the start button. If I time it wrong it does a 2 hr cycle instead of the 59 min one.
I miss my old AEG machine SO much.
4 years ago
I have had my Hoover Dynamic Next 8kg for about 5 years. It has intermittently beeped when off, but this morning it was beeping like mad. So I finally looked it up and ran the auto clean and so far it has stopped, thank you for the tip.
4 years ago
Had the same problem the other day. show this post to your repair guy and they'll know what to do.
The problem is oxide / moisture in the programme selector. This is a set of switched resistors. When the selector oxidises or gets damp, the chosen resistance changes and the computer thinks you are constantly changing the programme selection, so it beeps.
1. dismantle the program selector (no need to remove the whole unit, the PCB just clips off)
2. clean the board with IPA (90% alcohol)
3. carefully remove the oxide from the switch wiper with silver polish + cotton bud.
4. clean off excess polish.
5. treat the board with electrolube SGB contact treatment grease (vasaline will do at a push)
6. re-assemble and its done !
3 years ago
Hi Jonathan, i am looking at your instructions and hoped that your picture was a video to show me how but unfortunately it wasnt lol. we have moved to temporary accommodation and the washer is in a damp garage so i think this could be causing our problem. Can you please explain how you resolved this? ie where is the program selector? Is this the keypad for selecting the spin cycle, temperature etc?
3 years ago
Hi Angie,

I’ve just tried this and it’s very simple in theory.
It probably depends on your model specifics but this is what I did...

Turn the mains power off first.

Remove the main top cover, mine had three bolts on the back, at the top, clearly holding the top on. Slide the cover back and lift up.

Look behind where the dial is, mine had the back of the circuit board, where you could see red clips holding it on.
I pushed each of the four clips, and the board popped off.
With it off, it drops down slightly and you can lift it up, turn it over, there you will see the copper contacts.
Wipe off, use IPA if you have it, as it’s non-conductive of electricity, or just a soft dry cloth, don’t use water or a cleaning agent.
Mine had a film of slime on it, which may have been protective grease, who knows.

If you now look on the back of the dial (still attached to the machine), it has 3 or 4 copper ‘fingers’ that would make contact with the circuit board when it’s attached.
Wipe these too, be careful not to bend them.

Clip the board back on, making sure it’s the right way up, and put the top cover back on.
Then turn it on to make sure it all still works as expected.
Hope that helps.
3 years ago
My friend said it's a ghost beep boop boop beep boop
Is it a ghost?
2 years ago
My haunted Hoover washing machine doing exactly the same thing. Beeps constantly even when switched off.. trying to set a specific wash cycle is a challenge when i set the dial. It beeps, flashes and darts between options so you've got to time it exactly right when you press the start button. If I time it wrong it does a 2 hr cycle instead of the 59 min one.
I miss my old AEG machine SO much.
mine does the same. Beeping and flashing all the temperature options in a cicle. I have a feeling it happens when the room temperature is too low. Does anyone else see something alike?
2 years ago
My hoover dynamic washing machine kept skipping through settings and constantly beeping, making it very hard to choose what cycle to wash on. Once taking the top cover off and front facia I found corrosion on the season strips. I ordered a new front facia online for £25 and fitted now works perfectly again.
Hope this helps someone out there.
1 year ago
Initially I changed the touch screen facia as there were signs of corrosion on the ribbon connector. This seemed to work for a couple of washes but the bleeping problem soon returned.
I then used a hairdryer (for a couple of minutes) to blow hot air over the circuit board (particularly by the control dial). With the machine switched on I could hear the frequency of the bleeping getting less and less until it stopped. I was then able to use the touch controls as they were intended.
This fault is clearly to do with moisture on the circuit board so the problem may return but it’s a quick fix. I will probably install a little battery operated fan inside the machine and see if this resolves the issue.
1 year ago
my hoover next washing machine has started beeping during a wash. still washes still spins and finishes load

I have solved my beeping.

Like others, there were no error codes and the temperature and spin cycle were cycling through the LEDs

I followed the advice of one of these posts. I unplugged it first. Then I took off the top cover by releasing the 4 bolts at the back under the lip. Then inspected the motherboard. I noticed that one of the capacitors had been bent from the drum vibrating and was touching the board. There was a bit of black residue, too. So I straightened it and wiped it with a dry cloth and put it all back together.

The beeping stopped.

I believe the capacitor or the gunk were creating a circuit telling it that the buttons were pressed.

FYI, a capacitor looks like a little solid toilet roll about 2 cm long.
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