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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Error codes for Samsung Washing Machine

  • Product Types: Washing Machine

Please do take care to read the information thoroughly as it is there to help you understand fault codes and to keep you safe. There are also some help, tips and hints with a lot of the fault codes published here that you usually will not find anywhere else and, as we learn, we add more information so if you can't find what you need please ask in the forums.

Before using this section please understand that fault or error codes are used as a diagnostic aid, they are not a replacement for diagnostic skill on the part of the person repairing the product and are not in any way usually going to point to the precise component that is faulty. All they do is give you an idea of where to start looking for the fault.

Samsung Washing Machine Error codes

These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your Samsung Washing Machine.


Water Pressure Switch Error

Generated Frequency Signal of WATER LEVEL (WIL) SIW (KHz)
Normal Level = Abnormal W/L Frequency
Low Level = 30.00 Khz High Level = 15.00 Khz
If the same signal is detected for more than 5 seconds, it is a PRESSURE SWITCH Error. When this error occurs the drain pump will operate for 3 min. and the display will show 1 E indicating a pressure switch error.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Motor tacho fault detected


Can also be caused by be main PCB

If the motor tacho signals are inputted less than 2 for 2 seconds after main drive motor started, this error will occur.

  • Check motor
  • Check motor tacho
  • Check all connections and blocks to the motor
  • Check connections on the main control module
  • Check main control module
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water fill time out


The washing machine has failed to fill with water in a reasonable time.

If there is no higher change in water frequency than 100Hz for 2 minutes during the initial time of water supply and if water level doesn't reach the preset level in 10 minutes, this error will occur.

This error will be released using Start/Pause button, the washing machine will restart and attempt to fill with water again.

  • Check water supply is on, clear and not frozen
  • Check the air chamber and pressure sensor hose for blockages
  • Check water inlet valve
  • Check wiring to water inlet valve
  • Check connections to water inlet valve
  • Check the main control PCB
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Washing machine has failed to drain the water


If water level frequency is still lower than the reset level frequency (25.20kHz) in 10 minutes after starting of water drain, this error will occur.

This error code is very common and can be read as being either "SE" or "5E" due to the digital display as we are often asked what either could mean, they are the same code.

This error will be released using Start/Pause button, the washing machine will restart and attempt to fdrain the water out again.

  • Check pump filter is clear and there are no obstructions
  • Check the drain hose for obstruction
  • Check the drain hose is not kinked
  • Check the drain pump filter and clean if required
  • Check the air chamber and pressure sensor hose
  • Check drain pump
  • Check drain pump rotor
  • Check connections to water drain pump
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Over Current Error

IPM fault signal (this is caused by the overload of the MICOM INTO during motor action).
IPM: Integrated power module. The IPM controls the motor.
If the fault (low signal) happens to be sensed even once during the washing/rinsing stage, the motor stops immediately. However, during the dehydrating stage the signal is to be sensed, when the number of signals reads more than 6 per 500ms during the Washing or Rinsing cycle action.
If the motor stops working, in one direction ten times, “8E” Error is displayed.
During dehydrating, when the overload is sensed, the motor stops working at once and then feeds back to the initial stage of the dehydration unbalance sensing. When the feed back has occcurred twice, Error “8E” is displayed during the dehydrating unbalance sensing, No error happens by overload sensing. When it happens at more than 800rpm, the process is stopped compulsorily. Power Switch OFF can clear the overload error.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water Leakage Error

Water Leakage error occurs when the water drains naturally, (by leakage) after the washing program starts.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Washing machine door detected as being open


Washing machine door detected as being open

  • Check door is closed correctly and latched
  • Check door handle for damage or wear
  • Check door safety lock if inoperative replace door lock
  • Check door lock wiring
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Washing machine has detected an imbalanced load


This error code is more for information purposes than actually a fault as such. What the washing machine is telling you is that it has been unable to sort the laundry load and correctly spin without a risk of damage due to an unbalanced load. This error will clear when you restart the machine but do sort the laundry reduce or increase the load as required and for more information on load imbalances.

  • Reload the washing machine and attempt to spin again
  • Check the installation of the washing machine for level and balance
  • Check for small loads as small loads will cause an imbalance error
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Motor triac short error


Can be a short circuit to motor or PCB

If the motor tacho signals are inputted more than 300 every 1sec in the operational interval less than 90RPM, this error will occur.

  • Check mains supply
  • Check main control module
  • Check main drive motor
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Washing machine has detected an overfill situation


This error code can be caused by overfoaming which is a result of overloading or by overdosing or, incorrect detergent as the pressure sensor will falsely read that there is too much water in the washing machine.

Also check the pressure sensor and that the machine has not actually overfilled with water.

If an abnormal water level frequency is sensed (for occurrence of Over Flow :21.00kHz), Auto Power Off may release this error and continuously progress water drain until the frequency reached 25.00kHz.

If Over Flow is also sensed even after the following check of water level frequency indicating that error, the washing machine will attempt to drain the water from the tank.

  • Check for overfoaming or over soaping
  • Check the air chamber and the pressure switch hose
  • Check water level sensor
  • Check wiring to water pressure sensor
  • Check connections to water level sensor
  • Check main electronic controller
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water leak detected


If more than 4 times of water supply and safe water level of Heater are sensed for each course, this error will occur.

  • Check for any water leaks
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water heating error detected


For this error code you need to check both the water heater or element and thermistor, basically the washing machine is reporting a fault on the heating circuit with this fault code but it is not capable of identifying exactly where the fault actually lies.

This error will be released by turning off power switch.

Display : “HE1"(Over Heat), Display : "HE2", indicating no operation of the heating element.

  • Check water heating element 
  • Check heater for contunuity
  • Check thermistor or temperature sensor
  • Check the thermistor resistance
  • Check wiring to water heating element
  • Check connections to water heating element and temperature sensor
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water heating sensor error detected


If thermistor circuit is abnormal, this error will occur. If the thermistor is lower than 0.2V or higher than 4.5V, this error will occur. This error will be released by turning off Power S/W.

  • Check thermistor or temperature sensor
  • Check the thermistor resistance
  • Check wiring to water heating element
  • Check connections to water heating element and temperature sensor
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water level sensor fault


This fault code is fairly self-explanatory and tells you that the washing machine has detected an error with the pressure sensor or pressure switch.

If the above frequency signals are displayed longer than 5 seconds, it indicates pressure switch fault.

The washing machine will drain the water for 3 minutes for this error, and turn OFF water drain pump.

  • Check water level sensor
  • Check wiring to water pressure sensor
  • Check connections to water level sensor
  • Check main electronic controller
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Abnormal water temperature detected


Water drain begins if abnormal water temperature is sensed at the initial time of water supply. If the frequency higher than 25.20KHz is sensed, water will be drained by force.

  • Check thermistor connections
  • Check thermistor
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

nd, 5E

Won't drain

Washer fails to drain within 15 minutes. Check the washer drain path for a clog or restriction. Clear the large item filter in the drain pump. If the drain pump is defective or damaged, replace it.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

LO, dE, dE1

Door unlock error

The door fails to unlock after 7 attempts. Unplug the washer and open the door, using force if needed (using force often damages the door lock/switch assembly). Replace the assembly if it’s damaged or defective.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

nF, 4E

Water fill problem

The washer fills for 40 minutes or the water level doesn't change after 6 minutes. Make sure the water supply faucets behind the washer are fully open. Check the water fill lines for kinks and freezing. Check the water inlet valves. If the valves are defective, replace the water inlet valve assembly.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

FL, dE, dE1

Door lock error

Door fails to lock after 7 attempts. Unplug the washer and check the wiring harness connections to the door lock assembly. If the wiring connections are sound, replace the door lock assembly.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Low water level

Water level drops below the reset level during the wash or rinse cycles. Check for leaks in the washer tub and connected components. Check the installation of the drain system; water can siphon out of the washer if it’s not installed properly.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

lE, 1E

Water level sensor failure

Unplug the washer. Check the wire harness connections between the water level sensor and the main electronic control board. If the connections are good, replace the water level pressure sensor.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Water overflow

The water level sensor detects an overflow. If the washer is overfilled, check the water inlet valves. If the valves aren't shutting off the water flow properly, replace the water inlet valve assembly. If the washer isn’t overfilled, the water level sensor usually needs to be replaced.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

dc, UE

Unbalanced load

The load is detected as unbalanced during the final spin. The basket won't spin over 150 rpm when this code is displayed. Cancel the cycle or let it end. Adjust the load and see if the washer spins properly. If not, inspect the suspension system and replace any defective parts.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

E2, bE2

Stuck key

A key on the control panel is stuck. Try to free the key. If you can't free the key, replace the user interface board (also called the sub-PCB control board).
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Door is open during locking

The control detects that the washer door is open while it’s being locked. Use the diagnostic test mode to check the door lock/switch assembly. If the door lock/switch assembly is defective, replace it.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

tE, tE1

Water temperature is too high or too low

Use the diagnostic test mode to determine what water temperature the electronic control board measures. If the actual water temperature is significantly different, replace the the temperature sensor (also called the thermistor).
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


No signal from the drive motor tachometer

Unplug the washer. Check the wire harness connections on the drive motor and the electronic control board. If the wiring connections are sound, the drive motor or the tachometer (also called the hall sensor) may need to be replaced.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Heater relay failure

The heater relay is a component on the main electronic control board. Unplug the washer for 5 minutes to reset the electronic control board, and then plug in the washer. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

nF1, 4E2

The hot and cold water connections are reversed

Connect the hot and cold water fill hoses correctly.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Internal control board failure

Unplug the washer for 5 minutes to reset the electronic control board, and then plug in the washer. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

Sud, SUd

Excessive suds

The washer has too much suds. Use the right amount of high-efficiency (HE) laundry detergent only.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Communication error between the electronic control board and the user interface board

Check the wire harness connections between the control boards in the control panel. If the wiring connections are sound, replace one or both of the boards.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.


Electronic control board error

Unplug the washer for 5 minutes to reset the electronic control board, and then plug in the washer. If the code returns, replace the electronic control board.
We recommend you call our customer service centre to book a Samsung engineer on 0208 226 3633.

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