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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Frigidaire Domestic Appliances

  • Product Types: Cooker

Frigidaire Domestic Appliances

Appliance Manufacturer & Brand Information

The first electric refrigerator was offered for sale in 1913. In 1915, Alfred Mellowes designed a new version of the original unit and in 1916 the Guardian Frigerator Company was organized to manufacture Mellowes' refrigerator. General Motors saw the potential of this company and purchased it in 1918 and gave it the name Frigidaire. Mass production techniques were applied, production facilities were improved and additional sales offices were opened. It was then that Frigidaire took off as a company. Along the way, it has recorded quite a few "firsts" and contributed immensely to the industry as a whole.

Among the milestones: 1921 One-piece metal lining "Hydrolene" that sealed the cork insulation

  • 1924 Began to manufacture ice cream cabinets
  • 1926 The first all-steel refrigerator cabinet
  • 1927 The first porcelain-on-steel refrigerator exterior
  • 1929 The first home food freezer (chest type)
  • The first self-contained room air conditioner
  • Frigidaire builds its one-millionth refrigerator! International sales begin
  • 1930 The first "Hydrator", a humidity drawer for fruits and vegetables
  • 1931 The first use of freon as a refrigerant
  • 1933 The "Meter Miser", the first sealed, self-oiling rotary compressor unit
  • 1938 The first air-cooled, window-type air conditioner
  • 1948 The first refrigerator-freezer combination with completely separate freezer section
  • 1952 The first automatic defrosting of the refrigerator compartment "Cycla-Matic"
  • 1955 "Ice Ejector", a storage bin with built-in cube release is introduced
  • 1958 "Frigi-Foam" insulation allowed for the first Frost-Proof refrigerator-freezer
  • 1964 The jet action washer with roller-matic mechanism - not belts, pulleys or gears
  • 1965 The first automatic ice maker which delivers cubes to the ice saver on door
  • 1969 Molded "agi-tub" introduced, a combination spin tub and agitator - First use of polypropylene in a washer tub
  • 1970 The first laundry center with washer and dryer
  • 1974 Ice, juice and water through the door introduced on top mount refrigerator
  • 1975 The first charcoal refrigerator deodorizer
  • 1998 Introduced the PureSource Ice & Water Filtration System in side-by-side refrigerators
  • 1999 Frigidaire's freezer factory produces 70 percent of freezers manufactured in the United States
  • 2006 Introduced the industry's first frost-free chest freezer

As you can see the Frigidaire company have had a long history of innovation in the industry, often leading the way for others to follow. Now however, it appears to be not much more than another brand name in the Electrolux portfolio which is a great shame for such a historic brand.

It is also important to remember that Frigidaire in the UK and, certain other worldwide territories, is not the same products that are available in the US. Much of the UK refrigeration for example is re-badged Electrolux or Chinese and Eastern European origin.

In the US Frigidaire appears to command a premium brand name and, as such, pricing is above the budget brands.

In the UK Frigidaire never really made it into that sector and has languished with other lower end brands although, obviously with the heritage of the brand, it fares a little better than many.

Fixed Price Frigidaire Repairs

Getting a fixed price Repair for your Frigidaire in your local area couldn’t be easier. Rest assured, we have a local network of fully trained appliance engineers able to Repair your appliance.

find out more about our Frigidaire Service

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