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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Error codes for Bosch WFP Range Washing Machine

  • Product Types: Washing Machine
  • Models: WFP

Please do take care to read the information thoroughly as it is there to help you understand fault codes and to keep you safe. There are also some help, tips and hints with a lot of the fault codes published here that you usually will not find anywhere else and, as we learn, we add more information so if you can't find what you need please ask in the forums.

Before using this section please understand that fault or error codes are used as a diagnostic aid, they are not a replacement for diagnostic skill on the part of the person repairing the product and are not in any way usually going to point to the precise component that is faulty. All they do is give you an idea of where to start looking for the fault.

Bosch WFP Range Washing Machine Error codes

These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your Bosch WFP Range Washing Machine.

Bosch WFP Range Washing Machine Fault Codes


Water intake timeout

  • Water intake timeout
  • Faulty Aquastop fill hose
  • Water tap closed
  • Filters blocked
  • Water pressure low
  • Program halts and can be restarted
As you can see this first error code relates to the water inlet system and the machine has detected that, for one of the reasons above, that the washing machine cannot fill.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Heating timeout

  • Heating timeout
  • Wash temperature not reached
  • Defective heater or wiring
  • Program aborted, fatal error
This error essentially tells you that there is a fault on the heating circuit and to investigate the possible causes given above. The most common cause however will be the water heater in the washing machine which you can find here along with a link to a low cost alternative spare part as well.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Draining timeout

  • Draining timeout
  • Has not reached level over 1
  • Blocked sensor (pressure switch)
  • Pressure switch fault
  • Faulty or blocked drain pump
  • Program aborted, fatal error
As is very often the case, fault code three, in this case E03, is a drain error and the first port of call should always be to check the drain pump filter before anything else is investigated. If the filter is clear the next most likely cause of this fault code being displayed is a faulty drain pump, you can find a cheap compatible drain pump here with links to other options as well.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Motor fault (No tacho signal)

  • Motor fault (No tacho signal)
  • Program has finished but motor did not start
  • Motor attempts to start until the end of the program
This error code is very likely signalling that there is a fault on the motor, very possibly a motor winding is open circuit. Motors are expensive, make sure you are 100% certain that the motor is faulty before ordering one.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Uncontrolled motor startup

  • Uncontrolled motor startup
  • High resistance connections (Carbons faulty)
  • Motor spins uncontrolled or motor plug not connected
  • Program aborted
Usually when this error is seen it will be the motor carbon brushes that are faulty. Thankfully there are a cheap set of carbon brushes available here along with a video showing how to change them if this is the case.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Short on NTC Detected on hot water intake

  • Short on NTC Detected on hot water intake
  • Any heating phase
  • Program aborted, fatal error except on cold only wash
An NTC problem which is the thermistor that detects the temperature of the water in the washing machine. The thermistors do fail on these machines occasionally and you can find the most common replacement thermistor from this link.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Open circuit NTC Open circuit wiring

  • Open circuit NTC Open circuit wiring
  • Faulty NTC
  • Program aborted, fatal error except on cold only wash
Again, an error code that points towards an NTC problem which is the thermistor that detects the temperature of the water in the washing machine and the link for the part is above.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Door open when program started

  • Door open when program started
  • Door LED will flash Restart possible
This fault code is normally a very easy fault to cure, close the door! If that doesn't work it could indicate a problem with the door lock or door latch but more likely the door locking mechanism, which is here.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Unexpected heating

  • Unexpected heating
  • At approx. 95/100°C program is aborted
This code is again liable to be a fault with the NTC thermistor but it cannot be guaranteed that is the cause.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Communication error

  • Communication error
  • In main program after 11 minutes In test after 1.5 minutes
  • Failed communications between the motor and control PCBs
  • Program aborted, fatal error
This error code is really bad news, call an engineer of find one now from this link.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.



  • Overheating
  • Heat sink or motor control PCB
  • Fault detected eight times
  • Primary cause is overloading the machine will be sluggish or stiff
  • Displayed in test only
  • Program continues
Possibly the NTC thermistor when you see this fault code, if you're lucky. But, this one is a bit tougher and again, we'd urge you not to DIY this fault and look for an engineer.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Short circuit

  • Short circuit
  • Motor faulty
  • Free running diode faulty
  • Fault detected eight times Program aborted, fatal error
  • As above, look for an engineer.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Mains voltage too high

  • Mains voltage too high
  • Greater than 318V
  • Motor is switched off and program continues
  • Displayed only in test
This error code indicates a fault with the mains supply and you may require an electrician to look at your home's electrical supply.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Mains voltage too low

  • Mains voltage too low
  • Less than 172V
  • Motor is switched off and program continues
  • Displayed only in test
As above, this fault code indicates a fault with the mains supply and you may require an electrician to look at your home's electrical supply.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.


Faulty temperature sensor on motor PCB

  • Faulty temperature sensor on motor PCB
  • Sensor defect if temperature is less than 10°C or greater than 127°C
  • Displayed only in test
  • F16 Faulty rinse sensor Displayed only in test
You should never see this fault code and, if you do then you will require the service of an washing machine engineer.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price Bosch Washing machine Repairs in London.

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