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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Error codes for AEG Washing machines

  • Product Types: Washing Machine

Please do take care to read the information thoroughly as it is there to help you understand fault codes and to keep you safe. There are also some help, tips and hints with a lot of the fault codes published here that you usually will not find anywhere else and, as we learn, we add more information so if you can't find what you need please ask in the forums.

Before using this section please understand that fault or error codes are used as a diagnostic aid, they are not a replacement for diagnostic skill on the part of the person repairing the product and are not in any way usually going to point to the precise component that is faulty. All they do is give you an idea of where to start looking for the fault.

AEG Washing machine Error codes

These error code explanations can help you diagnose a problem with your AEG Washing machine.


No alarm

No alarm


Faulty sensing by heating resistance relay

Faulty sensing by heating resistance relay. Main board defective. Cycle stops with door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.

E10, C1

My Washing Machine shows the error code "E10" or C1

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Inlet Valve

If your washing machine is displaying either an E10, E11 or E12 error code, it is likely that there is a problem with the water filling the drum.
If the water supply is turned on and the hose pipe is not kinked the problem may be due to a faulty inlet valve. Check the inlet valve with a multimeter to confirm continuity - typically 2000 to 4000 Ohms.


Filling error

Poor fill before wash cycle. Tap off or water pressure too low. Drain hose improperly positioned. Fill valve is defective. Leaks on pressure switch. Pressure switch failed. Wiring fault. Main board defective. Cycle is paused with door locked Start
This is usually your basic filling error so the usual should be checked, that the water supply is switched on and then onto the water fill valves. If this fault indicator occurs again, , please arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London, you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit.


Difficulty in fill during drying

Difficulty in fill during drying (maximum time 3 min. fill in drying during the wash load phase). Tap off or water pressure too low Valve failed. Pressure switch water circuit. Pressure switches. Wiring. Main PCB. Cycle is paused
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Pressure switch faulty

Water leaks Drain hose improperly positioned. Water pressure too low. Fill valve is defective. Water circuit on pressure switch is leaking or blocked. Pressure switch faulty. Cycle is paused with door locked
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My washing machine shows error "E20"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Blocked Filter

If your washing machine is beaming at you with either an E21, E22, E23 or E24 error code, then most likely there is a problem with draining the water
  • Drain the water from the machine by lowering the drain hose below the water level to a bowl or your machine may have a drain hose near the filter
  • Place a towel under the filter and pull the filter out to remove any debris that may have gathered.
  • Check the pump impeller inside the housing turns freely and is not obstructed.


Poor draining

Poor draining. Drain hose kinked/clogged/improperly positioned. Drain filter clogged/dirty. Drain pump faulty. Pressure switch faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Current leak between heating element and ground. Cycle is paused Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Difficulty in fill during drying or drying condenser blocked

Difficulty in fill during drying or drying condenser blocked (pressure switch closed on “FULL”). Drain hose kinked. Filter blocked. Drying condenser blocked. Drain pump faulty. Pressure switches faulty. Wiring. Main circuit board faulty. Current leakage between heater and ground. Cycle is paused Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Defective triac for drain pump

Defective triac for drain pump. Drain pump faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops with door unlocked OFF/reset
This refers to the triac that controls the pump function on the main controller. If the fault persists, please arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London, you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit.


Malfunction in sensing circuit on triac for drain pump

Malfunction in sensing circuit on triac for drain pump. Main board faulty. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops with door unlocked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Door Lock

If the digital display on your washing machine is showing either E30 error code, the most likely cause for this could be a faulty door lock.
Check the door - you need to confirm that the lock does engage correctly. If there is power to the washing machine and the lock does not engage you will need to replace the lock.


Malfunction in pressure switch circuit

Malfunction in pressure switch circuit (frequency of signal from pressure switch out of limits). Pressure switch faulty. Wiring. Main PCB faulty. Cycle stops with door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Electronic pressure switch improperly calibrated

Electronic pressure switch improperly calibrated (level on electronic pressure switch differs from 0-66 mm after initial calibration drain and when anti-boiling pressure switch is on “empty”). Tap is off or water pressure is too low. Fill valve faulty. Water circuit on pressure switches. Pressure switches. Wiring. PCB faulty. Cycle is paused Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Inconsistency between level on electronic pressure switch and level on anti-boiling pressure switch 1-2

Inconsistency between level on electronic pressure switch and level on anti-boiling pressure switch 1-2 (fault persists for at least 60 sec.). Pressure switch defective. Current leak between heating element and ground. Heating element. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Water circuit. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops with door unlocked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Inconsistency between level on electronic pressure switch and level on anti-boiling pressure switch 2

Inconsistency between level on electronic pressure switch and level on anti-boiling pressure switch 2 (fault persists for at least 60 sec.). Pressure switch faulty. Electrical current leak between heating element and ground. Heating element faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Water circuit. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops with door unlocked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Overflow error

Overflow error. Fill valve is faulty. Leaks from water circuit on pressure switch. Pressure switch defective. Wiring defective. Main board defective. Cycle stops - Emergency drain procedure - Drain pump continues to operate (5 min. on, then 5 min. off, etc.). OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Sensing circuit on anti-boiling pressure switch 1 defective

Sensing circuit on anti-boiling pressure switch 1 defective. Main board faulty. Cycle stops with door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Sensing circuit on anti-boiling pressure switch 2 defective

Sensing circuit on anti-boiling pressure switch 2 defective. Main board faulty. Cycle stops with door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Internal pressure takeoff is blocked

Internal pressure takeoff is blocked (water level does not change for at least 30 sec of drum rotation). Water circuit on pressure switches. Pressure switches. Motor belt broken. Heating phase is skipped
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Defective HV sensing on anti-overflow system

Defective HV sensing on anti-overflow system. Main board faulty. Cycle stops with door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My Washing Machine shows the error-code "E40"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Door lock faulty

Door unlocked. Door lock faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Cycle is paused Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Problem closing the door

Problem closing the door. Door lock faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Cycle is paused Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Defective triac supplying power to door delay system

Defective triac supplying power to door delay system. Door lock unit faulty. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Defective sensing by door delay system

Defective sensing by door delay system. Main board faulty. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Defective sensing by triac on door delay system

Defective sensing by triac on door delay system. Main board faulty. Emergency drain procedure - Cycle stops OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My Washing Machine Shows the error code "E50"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Motor power supply triac short-circuited

Motor power supply triac short-circuited. PCB faulty. Current leakage from motor or from wiring loom. Cycle blocked, door locked (after 5 attempts) OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


No signal from motor tachometric generator

No signal from motor tachometric generator. Motor faulty. Wiring faulty. PCB faulty. Cycle blocked, door locked (after 5 attempts) OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Motor triac sensing circuit faulty

Motor triac sensing circuit faulty. PCB faulty. Cycle blocked, door locked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Motor relay contacts sticking

Motor relay contacts sticking. PCB faulty. Current leakage from motor or from wiring. Cycle blocked, door locked (after 5 attempts) OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Carbon Brushes

If the digital display on your washer showing any of the following error codes E56, the likely cause for this would be a defective motor.
Once you have access remove the motor. Check for wear on the carbon brushes and replace if required.


Carbon Brushes

If the digital display on your washer showing any of the following error codes E57, the likely cause for this would be a defective motor.
Once you have access remove the motor. Check for wear on the carbon brushes and replace if required.


Carbon Brushes

If the digital display on your washer showing any of the following error codes E58, the likely cause for this would be a defective motor.
Once you have access remove the motor. Check for wear on the carbon brushes and replace if required.


Carbon Brushes

If the digital display on your washer showing any of the following error codes E59, the likely cause for this would be a defective motor.
Once you have access remove the motor. Check for wear on the carbon brushes and replace if required.


My Washing Machine shows the error code "E60"

The Error code E60 or any other code beginning with E6 generally refers to the fact that there is a heating problem with your machine. This type of error can only be resolved by booking a service engineer.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Insufficient heating during washing

Insufficient heating during washing. NTC sensor faulty. Heating element faulty. Wiring faulty. PCB faulty. The heating phase is skipped
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Overheating during washing

Overheating during washing. NTC sensor faulty. Heating element faulty. Wiring faulty. PCB faulty. Safety drain cycle - Cycle stopped with door open OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Heating element power relay faulty

Heating element power relay faulty. PCB faulty. Current leakage from heating element to ground. Safety drain cycle - Cycle stopped with door open OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


NTC sensor for wash cycle defective

NTC sensor for wash cycle defective. Faulty NTC sensor. Wiring faulty. Main board faulty. Heating is skipped revert to Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Fault in NTC sensor on drying condenser

Fault in NTC sensor on drying condenser (voltage out of range = short-circuit, open circuit). Drying NTC sensor (condenser) faulty. Wiring faulty. Main circuit board faulty. Heating is skipped revert to Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Fault in NTC sensor on drying duct

Fault in NTC sensor on drying duct (voltage out of range = short-circuit, open circuit). Drying NTC sensor (duct) faulty. Wiring faulty. Main circuit board faulty. Heating is skipped revert to Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


NTC sensor for wash cycle improperly positioned

NTC sensor for wash cycle improperly positioned. NTC sensor incorrectly positioned. Faulty NTC sensor. Wiring defective. Main board faulty. Heating is skipped revert to Start
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Error in selector reset position

Error in selector reset position. PCB faulty (Wrong configuration data). Selector, wiring faulty. OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Error in reading selector

Error in reading selector. PCB faulty (Wrong configuration data). Selector, wiring. Cycle cancelled
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


"Sensing" circuit on circulation pump triac faulty

"Sensing" circuit on circulation pump triac faulty (input signal to processor always 0V or 5V). PCB Drain. Cycle blocked (door open). OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Circulation pump faulty

Circulation pump faulty (incongruency between status of "sensing" circuit on circulation pump and status of TRIAC). Circulation pump. Wiring. Main PCB. Drain, cycle blocked (door open). OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.

E90, E91, E92, E93, E94

My washing machine shows error message E90, E91, E92, E93 or E94

The Error codes E91, E92, E93 and E94 or any other code beginning with E9 are related to electronic configuration/communication problems on the appliances. Please make a reset at the washing machine by unplugging it, waiting 30 seconds and plugging it again.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Communication incongruence between main PCB- display board

Communication incongruence between main PCB- display board (versions not compatible). Wiring faulty. Faulty control/display board. Main PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Communication incongruence between main PCB- display board

Communication incongruence between main PCB- display board (versions not compatible). Wrong control/display board. Wrong PCB (do not correspond to the model). Cycle interrupted
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Incorrect configuration of appliance

Incorrect configuration of appliance. Incorrect configuration data. PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Incorrect configuration of washing cycle

Incorrect configuration of washing cycle. Incorrect configuration data. PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Communication error between microprocessor and EEPROM

Communication error between microprocessor and EEPROM. PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Incongruence between programme selector and cycle configuration

Incongruence between programme selector and cycle configuration. Faulty PCB (Wrong configuration data). Cycle interrupted OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Frequency of appliance incorrect

Frequency of appliance incorrect. Power supply problems (incorrect / disturbance). PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Voltage too high Power supply problems

Voltage too high Power supply problems (incorrect / disturbance). PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Voltage too low

Voltage too low. Power supply problems (incorrect / disturbance). PCB faulty. Cycle interrupted
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Solenoid valve inoperative but flow meter operating

Solenoid valve inoperative but flow meter operating. Main board faulty. Fill valve faulty. Cycle stops with door locked (after 5 attempts). OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Signal from turbidity sensor out of limits

Signal from turbidity sensor out of limits. Turbidity sensor faulty. Main board faulty. Wiring faulty. Start/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Signal from weight sensor out of limits

Signal from weight sensor out of limits. Weight sensor faulty. Main board faulty. Wiring faulty. Start/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My Washing Machine shows error "EF0"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Drain filter blocked

Drain filter blocked (too long drain phase). Drain tube blocked/kinked/too high. Drain filter dirty/blocked. Warning displayed at the end of cycle (specific LED)
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Overdosing of detergent

Overdosing of detergent (too much foam during drain phases). Excessive detergent dosing. Drain tube kinked/blocked. Drain filter dirty/blocked
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Control water intervention

Control water intervention. Water leakage on the base. Faulty water control device. Water drain and cycle blocked OFF/reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


Low pressure of water fill

Low pressure of water fill, no signal of flow meter and solenoid open. Tap closed, low water fill pressure - Reset
Tap closed, low water fill pressure - Reset
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My washing Machine is displaying the error message "EH0"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My Washing Machine shows the error code "C1"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.


My washing machine shows error "C2"

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.

My washing machine shows an error

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.

My washing machine showed an error and did not pump off the water

The difficulties you are facing may be due to different causes. Please use our troubleshooter for an appropriate investigation.
We add more information as we learn so if you can't find what you need please ask in the Repair forums. Alternatively you can book a repair online or call us on 0208 226 3633 to arrange an engineer visit. We offer fixed price AEG Washing Machine Repairs in London.

Arrange a visit from a Washing machine engineer

If you do need an engineer to visit your home, help is at hand. We’ll arrange for an engineer near you to call in and fix your appliance, at a time that’s suitable for you.

Book online or give us a call on 0208 226 3633

London Only - Coverage Area | ( Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00 / Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00 )

Warning! To avoid personal injury or death, always unplug the appliance or disconnect the power before attempting any repairs. Always turn off the gas at the source before repairing any gas appliance. Always wear safety glasses when using tools. Keep loose clothing and hair away from any moving parts. Safety is of major importance when performing any service or repair on any electrical appliance. Please, read our disclaimer before proceeding.

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Microwave tripped candy oven now it won’t turn on
1341 Hits 0 Votes 0 Replies
Posted on Saturday, 04 November 2023
Hi, I turned on the microwave this morning and it switched my oven off and now ...

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RE: beeping noise from hoover next washing machine
1 year ago
Quoted from Guest on Thursday, 02 May 2019 my hoover next washing machine has started beeping during a wash. still washes still spins and finishes load I have solved my beeping. Like...
RE: I have an error code C11 C21 C32 on my bosch oven HB13B251B
1 year ago
So had the issue with my oven this morning, for my type I needed to change c 5 0 to c 5 2 . Press and hold the clock for about 4 seconds to get in the the c code area - press the clock to move bet...