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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Gorenje Domestic Appliances

  • Product Types: Cooker

Gorenje Domestic Appliances

Appliance Manufacturer & Brand Information

Gorenje is a relatively new name to the UK marketplace but it has been around for a while with it roots going back to the village of Gorenje in Slovenia to 1950 and is a company that appears to be more forward thinking than many others in some regards.

Gorenje products in the UK are often pretty competitively priced which is of course a polite way of saying, cheap. This is likely mainly due, we expect, to the lack of any sort of brand awareness of it's main rivals. Ask most people on the street if you know who Gorenje is and they wouldn't have a clue, ask people to pronounce the name off a card and very few would get it correct (it is pronounced "gor-en-ya" in case you wondered) so very few people outside the industry know of them.

However Gorenje is a business that is over sixty years old, even if you've never heard the name before. Below is a short video on the company.

There's not really a lot of information on the washers so far other than that access to the tub unit is restricted. Cooking products are okay but nothing outstanding, but it's hard to mess up in the price ranges in which Gorenje operate, however the ovens etc. are okay in the main if not outstanding.

Refrigeration is hit and miss, but again generally it's okay. There have in the past been reported issues with the retro machines with cabinet rigidity and door sealing, don't think about one if you have an uneven floor!

However Gorenje is doing its utmost to get attention through press campaigns, design awards and some whacky products in order to ensure people have heard of them. Many products seem to be targeted to getting some design award or a certain "wow!" factor but that very few kitchens would be able to accommodate in the real world. But, if your kitchen happens to look like the interior of a nightclub then Gorenje may be just the thing for you.

To be fair however, at least Gorenje are trying new things whilst many others just put out the same old boring boxes.

On the whole about the best we can say is that the appliances "aren't too bad" given the price limitations that are foisted on the brand and the general market conditions.

Trade opinion is, frankly, divided on Gorenje as some like them, some don't but most have little or no opinion on the make which, you would suppose, means they're a little dull.

Fixed Price Gorenje Repairs

Getting a fixed price Repair for your Gorenje in your local area couldn’t be easier. Rest assured, we have a local network of fully trained appliance engineers able to Repair your appliance.

find out more about our Gorenje Service

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