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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Fisher & Paykel Domestic Appliances

  • Product Types: Cooker

Fisher & Paykel Domestic Appliances

Fisher and Paykel appliances are built with functionality and sttructure in mind. From kitchen to laundry, they make every job enjoyable.

Appliance Manufacturer & Brand Information

F&P was founded by Woolf Fisher and Maurice Paykel in 1934 as Fisher & Paykel Industries, initially importing refrigeration and laundry products from the USA. Production commenced in 1939. The company still has a family connection, Gary Paykel being the Group chairman. The company also manufactures industrial production machinery and has major interests in healthcare markets.

Its headquarters are at East Tamaki, Aukland, New Zealand.

They are a relatively new name in the UK and Europe, having formed a "strategic partnership" with Whirlpool in 2003. Keynote feature is the extensive use of stainless steel on refrigeration and cooking products, as well as digital control. The "Dish Drawer" dishwasher is a unique concept, comprising two "mini dishwashers" in one unit, which slide in and out as drawer units.

The "SmartDrive" laundry products beloved of UK Whitegoods Australasian Forum are not sold in the UK or Europe.

In June 2006 Fisher & Paykel aquired the Elba cooking brand in Europe to expand it's European range of appliances with the sale completed in 2007 for €78 million which also meant that they acquired the Delonghi brand of cookers and other appliances at the same time.

In 2009 Haier took a large chunk of Fisher & Paykel and now owns a considerable stake of the company equity.

Fixed Price Fisher & Paykel Repairs

Getting a fixed price Repair for your Fisher & Paykel in your local area couldn’t be easier. Rest assured, we have a local network of fully trained appliance engineers able to Repair your appliance.

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London Only - Coverage Area | ( Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00 / Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00 )

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