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Kitchen Appliance Fault Codes

Fault codes or error codes for appliances including washing machines, washer dryers, cookers, dishwashers and fridges.

Diplomat Domestic Appliances

  • Product Types: Cooker

Diplomat Domestic Appliances

Appliance Manufacturer & Brand Information

This company or brand is no longer trading and there is no active official support that we are currently aware of for either the brand or products.

No-one seems to quite know when the brand came into being or for that matter the sister "Hygena" brand name but both are owned entirely by the MFI furniture group.

The MFI name was created by Noel Lister and Donald Searle which was the abbreviated moniker derived from Mullard Furniture Industries. The two men had joined forces and based themselves in Edgware, North London, and used the maiden name of Donald Searle's wife for the company name.

In 1982 MFI acquired the Hygena brand name and allowed Humber Kitchens to adopt Hygena as its own trading name. Hygena had been recognised in the UK as a kitchen brand since the 1930's.

MFI acquired Schreiber Furniture in November 1988.

Howdens the trade focused venture focusing on kitchens and joinery products, was launched in October 1995.

Between 2001 and 2005 MFI and Currys had joint ventures to retail kitchens in Currys stores across the UK which were closed down.

Diplomat ceased trading as with the rest of the MFI Group in 2008.

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