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  Thursday, 23 June 2022
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  521 Visits
We have a Blomberg clothes washer Model WM77110NBL01 where the cycle does not advance.
We do not get any fault code.
It fills with water (as it has reliably for 4 years) but then the cycle timer just sits there, stuck, does not count at all. It just sits at 00:52 for example.

It has been suggested that the carbon brushes on the motor might need replacing.
But if that were the case would the timer not advance, or count down?

Otherwise, I thought it might be the water level sensor - the machine not registering that it has enough water. But that doesn’t make sense. If the water level sensor was bad presumably the machine would just keep filling with water, which it does not do.

(though this seems possible. maybe there is one signal to stop taking in water - which is still working - and another to Start The Cycle. if this second signal wasn't happening, that could explain the probem.)

it seems odd that it would suddenly occur just overnight. (but then many problems just "suddenly occur" don't they?)

any suggestions?

Apparently there is a way to get a fault record if an error code is not displaying. How do I do that, as a starting point.?
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