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  Anonymous User
  Thursday, 01 March 2018
  2 Replies
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What is the error code F01 on Bosch washing machine?
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7 years ago
If your washing machine is displaying either an F01 or F17 error code on the digital display panel, the most likely cause for this would be due to a faulty inlet valve.

Bosch Washing Machine Error Codes

F01 / F17 - Inlet Valve
If your washing machine is displaying either an F01 or F17 error code on the digital display panel, the most likely cause for this would be due to a faulty inlet valve.

F02 - Heater
If your washer has suddenly displayed an F02 error code, it’s mostly due to a defective heater.

F03 / F18 - Drain Pump
If your washing machine has flagged up either an F03 or F18 error code, the most likely cause for this would be a problem with the drain pump as it may have become faulty.

F04, F05, F21, F42, F43 or F44 - Carbon Brushes
If your washing machine has flagged up with either of the following F04, F05, F21, F42, F43 or F44 error code, the likely offender for this cause would be a faulty motor.

F08, F16 or F34 - Door Interlock
If your washing machine control panel lights up but does not initiate a programme and showing F08, F16 or F34 the problem is likely to be one of the following reasons:
- The door handle and catch are not engaging correctly when closed - ensure that the door closes firmly.
- The door lock is perhaps sticking.
4 years ago
I had this error. I live in a hard water area. I cut off the water supply and then unscrewed the water pipe from the washing machine with my hand. I could see in the little filter there was a lot of grit. I pulled out the grit with pliers and now it works again.
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