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  Sunday, 28 August 2022
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The breville smart grinder (found here) has become a nightmare for me, so has anyone else had problems with it?

I know what is exactly wrong with mine and the symptoms will be that it runs but no grounds come out. The nightmare stems in the fact that breville doesn't stand behind this product and I welcome anyone to prove me wrong by finding a place to acquire the internal part I am in need of. DO NOT just give me a place to contact for parts unless you try yourself first, since 10 out of 10 tries, breville service places DO NOT carry internal parts, just what I would call attachments or accessories and are also NOT able to offer a part #. I personally have a list of service places acquired from breville with zero results. My conclusion is that this is a very expensive coffee grinder that only the rich could afford to throw away and buy another. The product's concept is great, but the availability of internal parts seems to be none existent at this time. I also suggest setting aside any thought of purchasing this product until this problem of accessablility of internal parts is resolved. We need to act out more like we did in the 1960s and in this case NOT BUYING this breville product until they wake up to the consumer's needs. Not until they feel the crunch of no sales will they access the problem. Also want to make known, yes, breville wants you to send your unit to one of their servicing places and if you check with them first, you will find they have no access to any internal parts. I do not care about the warranty, as a consumer and owner, like owning a car, I should simply be able to get the parts I need, period! The gear I am holding in the picture/attachment is the part in question I need. I would love to hear about anyone acquiring any internal part for this BCG800XL
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