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  Sunday, 10 July 2022
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  472 Visits
A few things we need to know about this oven we have.
Its a pity your user manual is such small print and lacking clear English in some areas.
Clear setting instructions are lacking.

We need to know
1. does it have any fuses in the unititself or are they only from the one in the mains meter box?

2. We have this flashing from the clock time as "Shop". What does this mean?No detail of this in the manual!

3. If we want to remove the oven door to clean the insides, you have 1 drawing, no clarity of a so called Saddle bracket plus no detail in where to place the screwdriver. I dont lack in general knowledge but ready, cant your management offer better clarity on these functions?

I see my British brand oven is made in Turkey. So much for buying British.
I'm in Western Australia. When buying, some English friends living here advised its a brand known in England and we wanted something better than the Chinese cheaper ones we have on our local market.

Also, in the manual itself, my wife notices it gave limited detail on cooking with the unit. You wonderful Cooking Guide had the heading of Dishes, not even how many.
Nothing related to say the size of a meat or type of of meat. No mention to the weight of the meat. I'm sure if we are doing a large shoulder of pork it would need more cooking time than a few chops. Opps, it doesnt even mention pork.

Trust you can assist.

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