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  Monday, 17 January 2022
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  857 Visits
I am after some advice regarding my wayward FF. Either replace my thermostat or change my FF location?

I have a smaller Currys Essentials C50TW15 S.No: 1611011406 sited in my garage. I have the control knob set on approx 6.1 and the contents in the fridge are cold, but the freezer contents start to soften. If I turn up the control knob just a smidgen to 6.2 then I hear the thermostat click and the compressor kicks in. This hardens the freezer contents, but also. freezes the fridges contents solid. If I turn down the knob to 6.1, I hear the thermostat click and the compressor stops.

I bought it secondhand and have read in the manual its not to good for colder operating areas such as outbuildings! This is due to the coolant being made colder before the cooling cycle kicks in? I am thinking that the thermostat is faulty and needs replacing. I am considering a new like-for-like, or a generic non-OEM with a better temperature range.

It is about a year old. I would appreciate any advice on making a change to the thermostat. I don't want to put it on a time switch = 30 mins on and 15 mins off etc etc. Thanks in advance.
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