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  Friday, 16 November 2018
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I've got a Hoover HEDS 100E/S which is a Candy13.1 type dishwasher.

I've bought it around 2014. It's a white 45cm / 18" wide dishwasher with 3 buttons (delay start, program, start) a main switch and an display that shows the remaining time of the cycle. The dishwasher needs to be switched on by the main switch then all the lights on the dishwasher light up the only the display and program selector lights remain on. The desired program can be selected with the program button then by pressing the start a washing cycle starts. When a cycle is started the colon between the hour and minutes is flashing on the display. The dishwasher beeps while turned on and any of the buttons are pressed or the door is opened during a cycle.

So the problem is that after a couple of months of usage the dishwasher beeped and stopped in the middle of the cycle then beeped and started again where it left. It didn't reset the program just stopped like when I open the door in the middle of the cycle then close it and it finishes from there. At first it didn't do it very often then it did it frequently. Often beeping minutes on end turning the cycle on and off but eventually went through the program and finished it.

Around this time I had to move home and in the new house I had a dishwasher so I just put this hoover into the storage room and left there for 3 years until I moved home again.

3 months ago I installed the dishwasher again in the new flat and to my surprise it started working flawlessly. No beeps, no broken cycles it did its job perfectly until about a month ago it started beeping in the middle of the cycle again and stopping. I've found out the if I keep the start button pressed (with a very unelegant toothpick) during the cycle then it isn't beeping nor stopping. It works as it should.

This worked a couple of times but then it started to express its discontent with my novel solution and telling me something on its particular language that I don't get.

When I switch it on with the main switch all the lights are flashing for a minute or so until the number 605 is displayed on its screen then lets water in displaying 0A. Then it starts counting down from 08 doing some washing and rumbling then at the end displaying F0 without emptying the water and does nothing else.

I figured if I disconnect the dishwasher from the main socket, sometimes it gets back to normal and I can quickly select the desired program then start it with a jammed start button. Unfortunately, this solution is starting to fail as not every time works when I need it.

I guess the main PCB needs to be replaced but I wouldn't like to go through that pain if it isn't absolutely necessary.

Does anyone have any idea what could be wrong and what exactly needs to be replaced or mended?

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