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  Thursday, 17 August 2017
  1 Replies
  8.5K Visits
after plugging my freezer and fridge , the Error code HI or HIL comes up and starts making error sounds
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Appliance is showing a high temperature (above 8°C for pharmacy, above 5°C for ward, above 10°C for laboratory), and IS alarming. 'AL' in display. 'HI' in display. 'HIL' in display. 'HI2' in display

(1) What is the current temperature on the display? (This indicates if the appliance is still out of range, or has since stabilised. If the temperature has stabilised, it may only be necessary to reset the temperatures and monitor the appliance).
(2) Has the door been left open by accident? Close the door, reset the temperatures and monitor.
(3) When were the temperatures last reset? (If only being reset in the morning, the following morning you may observe a high temperature relating to the previous day when the door was opened for dispensing. It is better to reset the temperatures both morning and evening, and monitor the appliance. If the appliance is definitely being reset in the evening and the door left firmly shut overnight, but the user comes in to a high temperature reading the following morning, then that is more of a cause for concern).
(4) What is the high temperature that was recorded? (Up to about 13°C is usually no cause for concern as this relates to room temperature air entering the appliance when the door was opened. But if the high reading was, say, higher than 13°C, the appliance has been running with the door closed for more than 2 hours, and has not been turned off or subject to a power cut, then that would indicate an issue).
(5) Have the set point and hysteresis values been set appropriately and all other settings checked?
(6) Is the door closing and sealing well?
(7) Can you hear the motor at the back of the appliance running? (If not, there may be an issue with control unit or the motor ). Does the motor run all the time?
(8) Does the fan inside the appliance run at all (not on laboratory models)?
(9) If the issue persists, please request a service visit.
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