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  Anonymous User
  Sunday, 08 August 2021
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  576 Visits

I'm completely unlearned in electrics - forgive me for my ignorance and please try to make explanations very clear! Thanks so much in advance

My electric cooker/oven (one piece), its make being Statesman and model DELTA50W, has been tripping its RCD on our switchboard. When we turn any of the hobs on the cooker, the cooker/oven switches off and trips the RCD instantly (time taken to trip the RCD after turning on one of the hobs has varied slightly since resetting the RCD).

We got it secondhand, but I'm pretty certain it's not more than a few years old, if that. It has done this before, but the problem went away by itself within a day or so. This time, the problem is not going away. Emergency electricians have told me that there's a fault with the oven but nothing more.

My questions are: what could the fault be? How can I take apart the cooker to diagnose the problem more precisely? How much would it cost to repair the fault (by replacing parts, etc.) by myself? If parts have to be replaced, what parts are they and how do I replace them? I've read online from people with similar problems with electric cookers/ovens that there is an 'earth leakage' - what causes this and how can it be fixed? Considering the cost of repairs, would getting a new cooker/oven be worth it? Again, thanks very much in advance

Statesman DELTA50W specs: 230V 50Hz 7500W
Label on RCD in question on my switchboard: 80A 30mA [not sure if relevant]
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