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  Anonymous User
  Wednesday, 09 August 2017
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How to fix Samsung Washing machine error code tE?
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7 years ago
If your Samsung washing machine is running a wash cycle and the tE error code shows on your washers display, it means that you have a faulty Temperature Sensor, also known as a Thermistor. The Thermistor is a small part in the back of the washing machine that reads the temperature of the water during a cycle. There are a few things that may or can occur that will cause your washing machine to display the tE or tE1 fault code.

Clear the error code tE on your Samsung washing machine by using the methods below:


1 – Unplug the washing machine for 10 minutes.

2 – After 10 minutes, plug the washer back in.

3 – The washing machine’s main control board may have reset.

4 – Test the washing machine by running a small load.

5 – If the tE error code is now clear, resetting the control board has fixed the problem.

If unplugging the washing machine did not clear the tE error code, try the method below:


1 – Check the wiring on the Thermistor itself.

2 – Check the wires that connect to the Thermistor to be sure they are not loose or broken.

3 – Check the wiring going from the Thermistor to the control board.

4 – Be sure the wires have continuity and the wiring harness is not damaged.

5 – If the wiring harness is found to be damaged, replace the wire harness and test washer.
If the wiring harness going from the Thermistor to the board is in good condition and both wires have continuity, try the next step:


– Use DIAGNOSTICS MODE to find out if the Thermistor is faulty.

– You will need to put your Samsung washing machine into DIAGNOSTICS MODE.

– This will need to be done to determine what water temp the control board measures.

– If the temperature reading is not the same, then you will know the Thermistor is OUT OF RANGE which means the Thermistor needs to be removed and replaced.

In Diagnostic Mode, you can check what error codes have occurred using diagnostic mode.

When you enter into diagnostic mode the letter “d” is displayed.
Turn or jog the dial in a clockwise or counter clockwise motion and you can see which error codes that have recently happened.
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