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  Wednesday, 09 August 2017
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How to clear LG Dryer error codes D80 D90 D95?
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7 years ago
Accepted Answer
LG Dryer Error Codes – D80 D90 D95 – How To Clear Error Code

Use the error code that displays to troubleshoot and fix the dryer yourself. The troubleshooting methods below also pertain to the “Flowsense” error light.

NOTE: When the d80, d90, or the d95 fault code shows on the LG dryer, the dryer will shut off after two minutes and the dryer will emit an audible sound repeatedly.

– Disconnect the dryer exhaust vent hose on the back of the dryer.

– Add a load of wet clothes to the dryer and run a cycle.

– If the clothes dry in the normal time range then the issue is in the exhaust system.

– If the clothes are still wet, the dryer may have a bad heat element or bad thermal fuse.

The LG Dryer error code d80 indicates an 80% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d80 error means the dryer is 80% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.

The LG Dryer error code d90 indicates an 90% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d90 error means the dryer is 90% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.

The LG Dryer error code d95 indicates an 95% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d95 error means the dryer is 95% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
LG Dryer Error Codes – D80 D90 D95 – How To Clear Error Code

Use the error code that displays to troubleshoot and fix the dryer yourself. The troubleshooting methods below also pertain to the “Flowsense” error light.

NOTE: When the d80, d90, or the d95 fault code shows on the LG dryer, the dryer will shut off after two minutes and the dryer will emit an audible sound repeatedly.

– Disconnect the dryer exhaust vent hose on the back of the dryer.

– Add a load of wet clothes to the dryer and run a cycle.

– If the clothes dry in the normal time range then the issue is in the exhaust system.

– If the clothes are still wet, the dryer may have a bad heat element or bad thermal fuse.

The LG Dryer error code d80 indicates an 80% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d80 error means the dryer is 80% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.

The LG Dryer error code d90 indicates an 90% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d90 error means the dryer is 90% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.

The LG Dryer error code d95 indicates an 95% air blockage. This means the clothes dryer’s air exhaust is not pushing enough air out of the dryer through the venting to the outside of your home or apartment. The d95 error means the dryer is 95% clogged either in the air exhaust hose, wall ducts, or the vent outside.

– Check to be sure the lint filter is clean.

– Check the exhaust hose connected to the back of the dryer is not clogged or blocked by lint.

– Check the wall duct to be sure there is not a large lint blockage in the wall and preventing airflow.

– Check the outside vent to be sure lint has not built up to the point that air cannot flow properly.

NOTE: The outside air vent that lets out the dryer’s heat exhaust may be on the roof or on the side of your home.
5 years ago
Had lots of d90 codes. I tried everything. I changed the moisture sensors. I thought I had cleaned the entire vent 100%. . Took blower apart and cleaned that thoroughly. Still had code. I finally got onto the roof. The vent takes a 90 degree turn the last two feet. There was a screen there and a flapper which was totally caked with lint This was a 3 year old house. Only 2 of us using the drier. I wasn't able to reach that flapper and screen with the limited space in the attic. I was astounded that my efforts were stymied by the last 2 feet which I was assuming was clean because everything else was spotless, I saved a very expensive service call. I'm going to add a screen much easier to get to so I don't go through this again.
4 years ago
Had this problem shortly after buying brand new LG set after purchasing our home. We have a 2 story townhouse that has a weird dryer duct situation. The set is upstairs and come to find out it ran from the dryer up into the attic, then all the way to the back of the house. Called a guy out and found out it was entirely clogged. He informed us he just cleaned one out for our neighbors. Apparently the former owners didn’t clean theirs regularly. It was gross. Just getting the d80 code again a little after a year. Seems about right. Needs cleaned. Nothing wrong with the LG dryer or washer. Nothing to worry about it’s just letting you know the duct to the dryer needs cleaned out. Only cost us $90 and that’s not bad considering how it’s hooked up.
4 years ago
Same problem. No clogs
4 years ago
My dryer is brand new out the box an I’m getting this d90 an I unhooked the vent so I know it’s no that LG just sold me a brand new broken dryer sucks now I have to wait 2 weeks for. New one.. only reason I bought this one is because they had it in stock or I would have ordered the Samsung an prob not had these issues
4 years ago
LG dryer giving d90 code. Unhooked duct, turned it on and I am still getting error message! Could this be due to a weak blower not pushing enough exhaust?
4 years ago
Brand new dryer, d90, checked the connections, could this be caused by the dryer being pushed up against and possible kinking the exhaust flexible hose?
4 years ago
We downloaded the application for the dryer and updated the operating system and it resolved the issue
4 years ago
So a repair man is telling us that the Flapper on the vent being bent is what is causing the error code D80.

I think it is a load of crap and he just does not want to repair the dryer.

Does anyone know if that code could be caused by a bent vent flap maybe triggering a pressure sensor or something?
4 years ago
We too are getting codes d90 and d80 on our brand new LG front load dryer. My husband pulled it out and bought a new duct, and did our outdoor vent. Dnow it went from d90 to d80. There is no clog. Dies anyone get like grease stains from the washer. So many of my daughters shirts have been ruined.
3 years ago
Got a d90 error on my Kenmore Elite in a 25 year old house with spotty (bellow bare minimum) owner maintenance over the last decade. Vacuumed out the lint trap and took off the hose between the wall and dryer and found a recently dead bird but not a lot of lint blockage. Took off the exhaust cap on the side of the house and found a bunch nesting material, feathers and some egg shells. Yay birds. Hope this fixes it.
3 years ago
Also getting D80 error on brand new machine. Had one right after getting the machine, had dryer vent cleaned, although it was not very dirty. That was 3 months ago. It does NOT have a blockage. Utter crap
3 years ago
I have had a D80 since I purchased the machine 2.5 years ago. LG customer service told me multiple times that nothing was wrong with the dryer. I had two service calls. One to check the vent going out the house which was not clogged and another to check the dryer. Both were not clogged. The service man said that it was an error with the computer part of the dryer registering the error incorrectly which stops the dryer from running. Now LG says I am out of my warrenty and they will not correct it. I have not been happy with LG customer service.
3 years ago
My 1yr old LG displayed the D80 code with a "Flow Sensor" indication. After spending about an hour disassembling roughly 25ft of exhaust ducting with three turns all the way to the exit out of the house, I blew out all of the pieces (outside) with a leaf blower. Worked great. Re-assembled everything only to find out that I'm still 80% blocked after running the Built In Test (BIT) program. But this time the "Check Filter" indication illuminated. I pulled the lint screen prior to starting all of this and it was clean as a whistle. However I didn't look inside the lint screen slot. It was caked with lint in there. There are 4 screws that hold the lint screen housing in place. I removed the screws, and the housing came right off. After removal, I was able to get inside with a damp paper towel and carefully clean out all of the lint. Cleaned the housing really well, re-assembled, ran the BIT and that cleared the D80 code. There are several YouTube videos instructing how to disassemble and clean inside the lint screen slot.
3 years ago
We downloaded the application for the dryer and updated the operating system and it resolved the issue.

Can you share the link?
3 years ago
LG Dryer not even 2 months old. D80 code. Found the trouble shooting info. The dryer vent is totally clear, not Clogged. Repair guy came out, first checked the dryer vent all the way outside, NO not clogged. He took the back off of the dryer and the heater was not in the casing properly so he put it back. Dryer still does not work. D80 code. I called Customer Service again and the technician actually lied on his repair ticket. He stated that the dryer vent was clogged and had to be cleaned. That is the first lie. 2nd he didn't even mention on his repair ticket that he took the back off and put the heater back in the casing properly. I let customer service know this. On the 2nd repair ticket they were going to send the same technician and I said absolutely NO. They had to put in a claim and why I don't want the same technician. I went to Home Depot to see if they could help because I just wanted a NEW replacement dryer that works. I was told that LG usually has to send someone out 3 times before they replace whatever isn't working. I will NEVER buy an LG product again. This is beyond ridiculous. Shameful.
3 years ago
Brand new out of the box first thing it does is d95 error code, new ducks new pipes everything is new how is this even possible? :(
2 years ago
Here's the deal with mine. When drying sheets and other large items, they tend to flop around the drum and land on top of the inside vent located just inside the dryer door. The vent isn't clogged but the dryer thinks it is. It seems like a poor design to have the vent in a position where the clothes in the dryer can fall on it and block the flow of air.
2 years ago
am a 63 yr old widow and my LG dryer started giving me the d90 code and i panicked because years ago my aunt's house burned down because of a dryer and i was ready to call the repairman until i came here and decided i would troubleshoot it myself. I'm pretty handy since my husband passed in 2017. So i checked everything with the dryer inside and the hoses too but when i went outside to check the vent it was very clogged with lint and i pulled it all out and now working fine....I am a happy grandma!:p
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