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  Anonymous User
  Wednesday, 09 August 2017
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How to clear LG Washing machine error code dE?
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7 years ago
Accepted Answer
The dE error code on an LG washing machine is indicating the washer door was not able to properly lock the door. This signifies 3 different issues that may be causing the dE error code.

The LG washing machine dE error code indicates the washing machine cannot lock the washer door.
Here are 3 reasons why the washing machine door was unable to lock:

– The door is not aligned properly.

– The washing machine door was not closed properly.

– The washing machine’s door latch may be faulty.

Here is what to check and clear the dE error code:

1 – Press the POWER button to turn washer OFF.

2 – Remove the washing machine from power.

3 – Press and hold the START/PAUSE button for 5 to 10 seconds.

4 – Apply power to the washing machine.

5 – Turn the unit back on by pressing the POWER button.

6 – Open and Close the washer door, making sure the door has latched.

7 – Select a wash cycle and press START/PAUSE to test the washer.

To be sure the dE error code does not come back:

– DO NOT put weight on the washing machine door when open.

– Pushing on the door when OPEN can BEND the door hinge therefore not letting it shut or close properly.

– The washing machine drum should not be packed with clothing which could cause the door out of alignment.

– Put clothing far into the washer drum so no parts of the clothing are trapped between the door and outside the door.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
The dE error code on an LG washing machine is indicating the washer door was not able to properly lock the door. This signifies 3 different issues that may be causing the dE error code.

The LG washing machine dE error code indicates the washing machine cannot lock the washer door.
Here are 3 reasons why the washing machine door was unable to lock:

– The door is not aligned properly.

– The washing machine door was not closed properly.

– The washing machine’s door latch may be faulty.

Here is what to check and clear the dE error code:

1 – Press the POWER button to turn washer OFF.

2 – Remove the washing machine from power.

3 – Press and hold the START/PAUSE button for 5 to 10 seconds.

4 – Apply power to the washing machine.

5 – Turn the unit back on by pressing the POWER button.

6 – Open and Close the washer door, making sure the door has latched.

7 – Select a wash cycle and press START/PAUSE to test the washer.

To be sure the dE error code does not come back:

– DO NOT put weight on the washing machine door when open.

– Pushing on the door when OPEN can BEND the door hinge therefore not letting it shut or close properly.

– The washing machine drum should not be packed with clothing which could cause the door out of alignment.

– Put clothing far into the washer drum so no parts of the clothing are trapped between the door and outside the door.
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