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  Saturday, 22 July 2023
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Discover the rich history of the AEG brand, which has been producing high-quality household appliances since 1887. With their precision engineering and innovative features, AEG washing machines have become a trusted choice for consumers worldwide.

But what do you do when your AEG washing machine encounters a problem? Without the user manual, it can be difficult to diagnose the issue and find the best solution.

Fortunately, this article provides a simple and efficient guide to help you understand your AEG washing machine better and ensure a successful repair. Let's delve into it and get your machine back up and running smoothly.

When your AEG washing machine starts acting up, it can be frustrating. But no worries! In this article, we've got you covered with a quick and easy guide to help you understand and fix any issues. From common error codes like E10 and E20 to more complex ones like E90 and EH3, we'll break them down and provide solutions. Plus, if you're looking for reliable appliance repair services, our experienced team at North London Appliance Repairs is here to help. With over 20 years of industry experience and a 12-month quality guarantee, you can trust us to get your AEG washer back in top shape. Contact us today for assistance.

Error codes C1/E10/E11: an AEG washing machine error code E10 signals that there is a problem with taking in water. There is either not enough water being taken in or there are problems with the drain.

Error code C2/E20/E21: when you see an AEG washing machine error code E20, it indicates pumping problems. This can manifest itself in terms of your washing machine not draining, the drum not turning or your appliance making an unusual noise because of a blockage related to your drain pump.

Error code C3/E30: you will notice this error when there is an excess amount of water at the bottom or inside of your AEG washing machine.

Error codes C9/F9: these error codes indicate that there is an imbalance during a spin cycle.

Error code E40/E41: such error codes typically arise when the door or lid of your AEG washing machine is not closed properly. Alternatively, they could appear if your washer is overloaded or there is a problem with your appliance’s door lock.

Error code E60: this and any other code beginning with “E6” is a signal that there is a heating problem with your washing machine.

Error code E80: with this error, your cycle selector was set incorrectly. Alternatively, it may appear when your washing machine started with a cycle selector that was set in the middle of two wash cycles.

Error codes E90/E91/E92/E93/E94: these error codes signal configuration/communication problems with the electronic parts of your washing machine.

Error codes EAO/EA0: this is a drum position sensor (DPS) fault.

Error codes Eb0/Ebo: when you see this code, it is an indication that there may be problems with your power supply or your voltage being too low.

Error codes EF0/EFo/EF3: Quite an easy error code to address, all that this signals is that you’ve used too much detergent in the wash. To address this, simply use less detergent.

Error codes EHO/EH0: these are another set of codes that indicate a problem with the power supply.

Error code EH1: when you see this error code, it means that the frequency of your power supply is out of range.

Error code EH2: in such a case of seeing this error code, it is an indication that your supply voltage is too high.

Error code EH3: this error code is a signal that your supply voltage is too low.

Looking to reset your AEG washing machine or figure out why it's not working properly? Look no further than North London Appliance Repairs. With years of experience in appliance repairs, we've helped countless households with their needs. And to give you peace of mind, we offer a 12-month quality guarantee on any repairs or spare parts we provide for your AEG washer. Simply contact our friendly team and we'll be happy to assist you.

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Check if we cover your area and book online in 3 easy steps or simply call us on 0208 226 3633.

Experience top-notch appliance repair services from North London Appliance Repairs, a trusted provider with 20+ years of expertise. Our skilled technicians will provide expert advice, accurate diagnostics, and flawless repairs. Rest easy knowing we offer a 12-month guarantee on all repaired faults and fitted spare parts. Contact us today for exceptional service you can rely on.

Fast & Reliable Service / Same and next day service / 4 out of 5 repairs need only one visit / Local engineers who are closer to you

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