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  Anonymous User
  Monday, 07 August 2017
  2 Replies
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How to fix LG Dishwasher Error Code OE?
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7 years ago
Accepted Answer
The Most Common Cause for OE ERROR CODE = DRAIN ERROR. This means the water is not draining out of the dishwasher as designed. LG has given this error/fault code to show an issue with the dishwasher water drain pump. First, inspect the drain hose for a clog or bend. Second, inspect the dishwasher drain pump for any blockages in the pump housing assembly. Clean any and all blockages and the OE error code should clear. Also check the FLOAT SWITCH inside the LG dishwasher for obstructions.

An LG Dishwasher that displays the OE error indicates a DRAIN ISSUE. This means when the LG dishwasher gets to the time for it to drain out water, it is not draining correctly or cannot drain. This is caused by a CLOGGED DRAIN HOSE or a CLOGGED OR FAULTY DRAIN PUMP.

The most likely reason an LG dishwasher shows the OE error is the DRAIN HOSE IS BENT, CLOGGED, OR NOT POSITIONED PROPERLY.
– Be sure the Dishwasher Drain Hose on your LG washer is not bent/kinked.
– Check that the Dishwasher Drain Hose is not clogged with food particles.
– See if the Dishwasher Drain Hose may not be draining if the wall drain is blocked/clogged.
– Make sure the Dishwasher has either a HIGH DRAIN LOOP or AIR GAP installed. (without one of these, the dishwasher may drain but will usually leave WATER IN BOTTOM OF DISHWASHER)
– If you find the Dishwasher Drain Hose to be damaged in any way, remove and replace it.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
The Most Common Cause for OE ERROR CODE = DRAIN ERROR. This means the water is not draining out of the dishwasher as designed. LG has given this error/fault code to show an issue with the dishwasher water drain pump. First, inspect the drain hose for a clog or bend. Second, inspect the dishwasher drain pump for any blockages in the pump housing assembly. Clean any and all blockages and the OE error code should clear. Also check the FLOAT SWITCH inside the LG dishwasher for obstructions.

An LG Dishwasher that displays the OE error indicates a DRAIN ISSUE. This means when the LG dishwasher gets to the time for it to drain out water, it is not draining correctly or cannot drain. This is caused by a CLOGGED DRAIN HOSE or a CLOGGED OR FAULTY DRAIN PUMP.

The most likely reason an LG dishwasher shows the OE error is the DRAIN HOSE IS BENT, CLOGGED, OR NOT POSITIONED PROPERLY.
– Be sure the Dishwasher Drain Hose on your LG washer is not bent/kinked.
– Check that the Dishwasher Drain Hose is not clogged with food particles.
– See if the Dishwasher Drain Hose may not be draining if the wall drain is blocked/clogged.
– Make sure the Dishwasher has either a HIGH DRAIN LOOP or AIR GAP installed. (without one of these, the dishwasher may drain but will usually leave WATER IN BOTTOM OF DISHWASHER)
– If you find the Dishwasher Drain Hose to be damaged in any way, remove and replace it.
2 years ago
Why didn’t you point out if garbage disposal is new to knock out the plug in the garage disposal? Need a screw driver and hammer remove drain hose stick screw driver in hole push in till you hit barrier then use hammer to knock out.
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