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  Anonymous User
  Monday, 07 August 2017
  1 Replies
  2.7K Visits
Dishwasher will not fill with water during wash cycle
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Accepted Answer
The most common parts in your dishwasher that will cause it to not fill with water are the following:


When water is filling up the dishwasher during a wash cycle a small plastic float will “float” upwards. When the float gets to a certain height the switch it is attached to will shut off the water. This switch is so the dishwasher does not overfill and leak or flood. This is more of a safety feature but can also cause the NO WATER issue. This float may get stuck, damaged, or has food particles on it. If the float or float switch is damaged or not working properly, this condition will stop the dishwasher from filling with water. What you need to do is simply check the float assembly inside the dishwasher. Once you locate it you can check to see if it is stuck, damaged, or clogged with food particles and therefore it is not moving and causing the dishwasher to not fill with water. Either replace the float switch, the float piece itself or clean it so it can move up and down properly.

The water inlet valve is what lets the water into your dishwasher. The water line is hooked to it and a solenoid activates to let the water into the dishwasher. The dishwasher may not fill with water if the water valve filter screen is blocked by debris. Get access to the water inlet valve and cleaning it thoroughly. Cleaning the filter may solve the problem. If the water inlet valve is not dirty, you may have a faulty water inlet valve. If so, to be sure, check it with a meter to be sure. Check to be sure all wiring is secure and connected. Check wiring for continuity. If you find the valve to be faulty, test the valve with a meter and replace it if you find it to be bad.


If the door switch to your dishwasher is faulty, it will not fill with water. Test the door switch with a meter and replace if necessary.


The dishwasher drain valve is controlled by a drain solenoid. If this solenoid is faulty, it will not allow the drain valve to function and may be the issue with your dishwasher not filling with water. Check the drain valve and test the solenoid to be sure it is in working condition. If the solenoid is bad, replace it with a new OEM part.
Accepted Answer
The most common parts in your dishwasher that will cause it to not fill with water are the following:


When water is filling up the dishwasher during a wash cycle a small plastic float will “float” upwards. When the float gets to a certain height the switch it is attached to will shut off the water. This switch is so the dishwasher does not overfill and leak or flood. This is more of a safety feature but can also cause the NO WATER issue. This float may get stuck, damaged, or has food particles on it. If the float or float switch is damaged or not working properly, this condition will stop the dishwasher from filling with water. What you need to do is simply check the float assembly inside the dishwasher. Once you locate it you can check to see if it is stuck, damaged, or clogged with food particles and therefore it is not moving and causing the dishwasher to not fill with water. Either replace the float switch, the float piece itself or clean it so it can move up and down properly.

The water inlet valve is what lets the water into your dishwasher. The water line is hooked to it and a solenoid activates to let the water into the dishwasher. The dishwasher may not fill with water if the water valve filter screen is blocked by debris. Get access to the water inlet valve and cleaning it thoroughly. Cleaning the filter may solve the problem. If the water inlet valve is not dirty, you may have a faulty water inlet valve. If so, to be sure, check it with a meter to be sure. Check to be sure all wiring is secure and connected. Check wiring for continuity. If you find the valve to be faulty, test the valve with a meter and replace it if you find it to be bad.


If the door switch to your dishwasher is faulty, it will not fill with water. Test the door switch with a meter and replace if necessary.


The dishwasher drain valve is controlled by a drain solenoid. If this solenoid is faulty, it will not allow the drain valve to function and may be the issue with your dishwasher not filling with water. Check the drain valve and test the solenoid to be sure it is in working condition. If the solenoid is bad, replace it with a new OEM part.
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