Hygena Kitchen Appliances

Hygena Domestic Appliances

Appliance Manufacturer & Brand Information

This company or brand is no longer trading and there is no active support that we are currently aware of for the brand or products

MFI acquired the Hygena brand name in 1982 although it had been in existence as a kitchen brand since the 1930's.

In general it appears that Hygena is sold below the Diplomat brand name in price terms which is also owned by MFI with QA Hygena and some Schreiber branded appliances.

hygena kitchen applainces logo who make dishwashers, washing machine, cookers, ovens, hobs and hoodsIn the Hygena range there are cookers, ovens, hobs, hoods, dishwashers and washing machines which are predominantly sold through Howden Joinery and the MFI stores. Most of the Hygena appliances sold were either built in or integrated as they were sold with new kitchens.

Hygena seems to be catering for people on a budget and the appliances do reflect this.

Fixed Price Hygena Repairs

Getting a fixed price Repair for your Hygena in your local area couldn’t be easier. Rest assured, we have a local network of fully trained appliance engineers able to Repair your appliance.

find out more about our Hygena Service

Fixed Price Appliance Repairs

Arrange a visit from an Appliance engineer

If you do need an engineer to visit your home, help is at hand. We’ll arrange for an engineer near you to call in and fix your appliance, at a time that’s suitable for you.

Book online or give us a call on 0208 226 3633

London Only - Coverage Area | ( Monday - Friday: 8:00 - 20:00 / Saturday: 09:00 - 18:00 )

Additional Info

  • Product Types: Cooker
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