Saturday, 14 January 2023
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I have a Panasonic NA-128VG5 Washing machine. Right from when it was a couple of year old, I have had trouble with it refusing to spin after emptying the water. I follow the suggested remedies for Error 13 in varying the size of the load by adding or reducing items, repositioning etc, but sometimes it takes 6 or 7 attempts before it will finally spin. This is totally inconvenient for a so called automatic machine. A serviceman looked at my machine and commented that the bowl seemed to float excessively and left to talk to Panasonic and I have never seen him since. I checked the dampers and they all seem to operate as they should; no apparent difference between the 3 dampers.
I wondered if there was any adjustment that could be done to the out of balance sensor and if so how can this be done?
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John McLean set the post as Critical priority — 2 years ago
John McLean set the type of the post as  Advice — 2 years ago
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