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  Monday, 07 August 2017
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How to repair LG washing machine EE Error Code?
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7 years ago
LG washing machine Error Code = EE

The EE error code on your LG washing machine means there is an EEPROM error on main control board.
The EEPROM on the LG washing machine control board has become unstable or technically “corrupt”.
EEPROM stands for “Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory”

Here is how to repair or fix the EE error code on your LG washing machine:

1 – Unplug the washing machine from power for 10 minutes to attempt to CLEAR THE CORRUPTED MEMORY on the main control board.
NOTE: You can try unplugging the washing machine multiple times to attempt to clear the corrupt memory. Unplugging the LG washing machine with the EE error code may clear the error code and no other action is required. The washer memory will be cleared or reset and the EE error code is considered fixed or repaired.
2 – If the code does not clear on the washing machine after unplugging it multiple times, this means the main electronic control board is faulty and needs to be removed and replaced.
3 – To be sure the main control board is the problem, run a TEST MODE if you want to continue the troubleshooting process or just replace the main control board and that will fix the EE error issue.
4 – If you have unplugged the washer for 10 minutes and have done this multiple times and the EE code DID NOT CLEAR, you can run the TEST MODE and the EE error may come up with the FIRST PRESS OF START/PAUSE BUTTON DISPLAYS EE ERROR CODE. If this is the case, then you have a bad or faulty Main Electronic Control Board and you need to replace it.

Here is how to put your LG washing machine into TEST MODE:

1 – Be sure the washing machine is completely EMPTY and the controls are OFF.
2 – Press the SPIN SPEED and SOIL LEVEL buttons at the same time.
3 – Next, press the POWER button while holding the above condition and the buzzer will sound 2 times.
4 – Advance to the next step of test mode by pressing the START/PAUSE button repeatedly to cycle through the test modes.
5 – If the Main control board is faulty, the EE error code will appear when you first press the START/PAUSE button, if this happens, replace the main control board.
4 years ago
I tried switching the machine off several times but error code did not clear.

I couldn't execute the test because I have no SOIL LEVEL button


Nadeem Khoury.
3 years ago
In case this works for other models...

Test mode for LG Washer Drier: WD-12331AD

While machine is on at the mains, but the control panel is off

Hold [Intensive] + [RinseHold] when you press the power button to turn the panel on.
Once it’s on, one of the LCD screens will flash some codes (I haven’t found what they mean yet)

The, pressing the timer/clock button will put it into "tst" mode (presumable test mode)

No idea how to use test mode - my issue is that the start button isn’t responding, which I haven’t fixed, but maybe this will help someone else.
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