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  Anonymous User
  Monday, 07 August 2017
  1 Replies
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How to fix LG washing machine tcL (TCL) error code?
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7 years ago
Accepted Answer
LG washing machine Error Code TCL = TUB CLEAN CYCLE

If your LG washing machine is showing the t CL error code, this is telling you to run the tub clean cycle. This means the washing machine is sensing that the tub is not clean and needs to be properly cleaned to function at peak performance. There is a sensor in the washing machine that senses the tub is dirty. This sends a signal to the display panel where it shows the error code.

This error code does not show very often but when it does, it is an easy fix. This error code clearing method simply involves cleaning the tub. See below for how to clean your LG washing machine and clear the TCL error code.

How to run the TUB CLEAN CYCLE to CLEAR THE ERROR CODE TCL on an LG washing machine:

1 – First, completely EMPTY THE WASH TUB (No clothing inside the wash tub)
2 – Next, apply your choice of cleaner such as recommended: Liquid Bleach (Tub Clean Solution) – Powder Tub Clean – Tablet (pod) Tub Cleaner. All Washing Machine Cleaners here.
NOTE A: If you are using Liquid Bleach or Tub Clean Solution, add it into the compartment that says LIQUID BLEACH.
NOTE B: If you are using a Powdered Cleaner, put it into the MAIN WASH COMPARTMENT. (you may have to remove the liquid detergent cup if applicable)
NOTE C: If you are using a Tablet Cleaner, add the Tablet directly into the washer. Do not add Tablet Cleaner into Detergent Dispenser. Do not add anything else.
3 – Once the cleaner is in the right place, go to the LG washing machine control panel, Turn Power Button to ON – Select the TUB CLEAN CYCLE – Press START Button.
4 – Let the washer run and complete the TUB CLEAN CYCLE. After running the TUB CLEAN CYCLE you will be able to wash clothing without the code showing in most cases.
5 – If the error code reappears, run the TUB CLEAN CYCLE once more to fully CLEAN the tub.
6 – The t CL error may continue to show after completing multiple wash cycles but will clear with the next “scheduled” washing machine tub clean cycle.
7 years ago
Accepted Answer
LG washing machine Error Code TCL = TUB CLEAN CYCLE

If your LG washing machine is showing the t CL error code, this is telling you to run the tub clean cycle. This means the washing machine is sensing that the tub is not clean and needs to be properly cleaned to function at peak performance. There is a sensor in the washing machine that senses the tub is dirty. This sends a signal to the display panel where it shows the error code.

This error code does not show very often but when it does, it is an easy fix. This error code clearing method simply involves cleaning the tub. See below for how to clean your LG washing machine and clear the TCL error code.

How to run the TUB CLEAN CYCLE to CLEAR THE ERROR CODE TCL on an LG washing machine:

1 – First, completely EMPTY THE WASH TUB (No clothing inside the wash tub)
2 – Next, apply your choice of cleaner such as recommended: Liquid Bleach (Tub Clean Solution) – Powder Tub Clean – Tablet (pod) Tub Cleaner. All Washing Machine Cleaners here.
NOTE A: If you are using Liquid Bleach or Tub Clean Solution, add it into the compartment that says LIQUID BLEACH.
NOTE B: If you are using a Powdered Cleaner, put it into the MAIN WASH COMPARTMENT. (you may have to remove the liquid detergent cup if applicable)
NOTE C: If you are using a Tablet Cleaner, add the Tablet directly into the washer. Do not add Tablet Cleaner into Detergent Dispenser. Do not add anything else.
3 – Once the cleaner is in the right place, go to the LG washing machine control panel, Turn Power Button to ON – Select the TUB CLEAN CYCLE – Press START Button.
4 – Let the washer run and complete the TUB CLEAN CYCLE. After running the TUB CLEAN CYCLE you will be able to wash clothing without the code showing in most cases.
5 – If the error code reappears, run the TUB CLEAN CYCLE once more to fully CLEAN the tub.
6 – The t CL error may continue to show after completing multiple wash cycles but will clear with the next “scheduled” washing machine tub clean cycle.
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