Anonymous User
  Sunday, 23 August 2020
  0 Replies
  685 Visits
Good day,

I have an AEG washing machine

Mod L16850A3
Prod No 914605321

It is a second hand machine and I had issues in the past, but I thought that they were fixed. Now I am back from vacations and it does not start properly.

When I turn the dial, and before I press the START/PAUSE button, the engine starts. I don't know what exactly it is doing, but it makes a noise. A couple seconds later, and EFO error code appears.

The drum does not spin and it is not filled with water. The door is not locked and I can do it even with the door open. I tried to unplug and plug the machine, but it happened again.

I had EFO errors before, but this seems software related. Any idea of some way to fix it? I am half convinced to just buy a new one.
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