Wednesday, 03 August 2022
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Dear all,
I have a thumble dryer AEG series 9000. I have connected the dryer with my router and used the AEG app to control the unit . I had to change router with different credentials and the dryer started to find the signal . Ok .. but I could not disable Wi-Fi signal which continued to blinking neither reset the unit and examined manuals to find combinations of switches on my touch screen .. but nothing. I therefore tried to run diagnostic holding “refresh” and Go-pause and checked everything . The dryer now does not blink the Wi-Fi icon and it seems ready to be paired . I follow instruction but Wi-Fi icon does not appear neither AP (access point) . It seem Wi-Fi is no more working . I tried to unplug and plug .. but nothing .. wi fi is impossible to activate .
Do you have ideas how to make it work?
I appreciate your time and thank you for any suggestions !
(Italy )
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