Anonymous User
  Wednesday, 09 August 2017
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  2.6K Visits
How to clear Samsung Refrigerator OF OF code on display?
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If the Samsung refrigerator is in Showroom Mode, the interior lights and the display panel will illuminate, but the compressor will not run. This is done purposefully so the compressor does not run when the fridge is displayed at a store or on a showroom floor. This lets the refrigerator be displayed with all the lights working, but no cooling taking place. You will also notice that the ice maker and water dispenser will not work. When the OF OF code is shown, the fridge is not cooling.

How to Reset Samsung Refrigerator OF OF Code?:
1 – Press the POWER FREEZE and the FREEZER buttons at same time.
2 – Hold the 2 buttons for 3 to 5 seconds.
3 – This will reset the refrigerator back to normal and the fridge will begin cooling again.

OR depending on refrigerator model…

-Press the ENERGY SAVER and the POWER FREEZER buttons until you hear an audible beep.

OR depending on refrigerator model…

– Press the two buttons on the left side of the display panel. (top left button and the button below it)

– Hold the 2 buttons for 3 to 5 seconds or until you hear a bell sound.

– This will reset the refrigerator back to normal and the fridge will begin cooling again.

More methods and options for clearing the Samsung Refrigerator OF OF code or DEMO MODE:
▪ Press and hold the EXPRESS FREEZE and REFRIGERATOR TEMP CONTROL buttons simultaneously for 3 to 5 seconds.
▪ Press and hold the LIGHTING and FREEZER buttons simultaneously for 3 to 5 seconds.
▪ Press and hold the POWER FREEZE and FREEZER buttons simultaneously for 5 to 10 seconds.
▪ Press and hold the HOME and HELP buttons simultaneously for 3 to 5 seconds.
▪ Open fridge door, press and hold the ICE PLUS ULTRA ICE and REFRIGERATOR TEMP buttons simultaneously for 3 to 5 seconds.
▪ Press and hold the ICE PLUS ULTRA ICE and UP DOWN buttons simultaneously for 3 to 5 seconds.
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