By Guest on Wednesday, 10 October 2018
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Does anyone know what the Bosch P1-P9 test menu does, apart from test, what do the results mean and what numbers are supposed to test what area of the System, I. e. I would like to know on a Bosch GSU3401GB Freezer Cabinet what the functions do and what they are supposed to do, the menu is accessed by pressing the M and Super button together, holding until the super light goes out, (scroll through the menu with the up and down buttons, use the silence button to select) I assume this is a Pre-delivery test, I can tell so far.

P1 Test, run the Evaporation Fan
P2 No Result
P3 No Result
P4 Test, Run The most annoying Buzzer in the world, (well it is if you have heard it for two days straight)
P5 Test, Run the Compressor Pump
P6 Displays a "C"
P7 Displays a "C"
P8 Displays 00
P9 Displays 09

Any further ideas I have a sick Bosch Freezer, I would dearly like to repair, its been with me some years and its like one of the family.

Regards Duncan
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