Tuesday, 02 August 2022
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I have a leisure classic cooker, the fan oven works when you turn it on,once you open the door the fan stops after about a minute when you close door again but heat is still generated, so I tried putting something in oven ,then turning it on, after about 10 minutes fan stops again ,so I left it to see what happens. The fan came on on its own again and then stops after a few minutes. In my experience a fan cooker stays on until you turn it off. My question is, does this particular cooker turn the fan off once it reaches the temperature and then turns on again when it drops,it does not seem normal to me,and it seems to take longer to cook food,so my timing is so out when I'm trying to cook multiple foods that require different cooking time. I need to know if this is a fault or not as it is a brand new cooker.
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