Sunday, 14 June 2020
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  689 Visits
I am writing as I'm having problems with my electric oven (Electrolux EOB 53001 single integrated oven).

The first problem I had was that the heating element at the back of the oven got unscrewed and fell on the fan, blocking it from turning. I managed to screw it back on and the oven seemed to be working correctly (fan spinning, heating element heating up correctly).

I then decided to give the oven a good clean and removed the door to wash it. But when I put the door back on and turned the oven on, it tripped the electricity.

Now, when I plug back the oven, it seem to be ok (time setting up fine) but:
- as soon as I start to turn on any function on the oven (light, defrost or fan heating), it trips the electricity again
- the orange indicator signalling the oven is on is on constantly, even when the oven is turned off (set to 0).

Any idea what the problem is? I checked the plug with another appliance and it seems to be working fine so I'm thinking there must be a faulty component in the oven but not sure which one ...

Any help welcome !


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